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9/5/2010· Damages

A Quick Overview of Commercial-Damages Economics

By: Jules H. Kamin, PhD

Commercial damages occur in breach-of-contract and business-tort cases that result in claims of lost profits or diminished business goodwill or business value. Intellectual-property-infringement cases and antitrust cases also can involve such loss claims. The measurement of damages in these types of cases follows a basic methodology, with some variations in intellectual-property matters. Measurement of damages in securities-fraud cases uses a different approach.


8/20/2010· Biokinetics

Case Example: Wrist Injury

By: Kerry L. Knapp, PhD

A Cadillac sedan was hit from behind by a Pontiac sedan. The driver of the Cadillac testified that the Pontiac was traveling 60 to 65 mph at impact. He alleged that at the time of the collision his left elbow was bent...


8/6/2010· Medical Malpractice

Overview: The Process Of A Medical Malpractice Lawsuit

By: Devesh Tiwary, MD, JD, FACS

Each lawsuit is different, and each state has different laws. In general, this is the process in Florida. Your case may proceed differently. We can break it down into 4 stages: investigation, pre-suit, suit, and post-verdict. The process takes months to years. Mediation (meeting with the other side to try to settle) can occur during any of the 3 later stages. It is very important, so we will discuss it here too.


7/31/2010· Product Liability

How Attorneys Should Choose Crate Experts

By: Sterling Anthony

An attorney involved with crate litigation might readily recognize the need for a packaging expert, yet, not be sufficiently aware of the specific knowledge and capabilities that best qualify that expert.


7/31/2010· Fires & Explosions

Have We Sparked Our Last Home Fire?

By: Gene Haynes

Every year there are thousands of home fires all across the nation due to faulty household electrical wiring. There are an annual average of 110 electrical fires a day as a result of frayed wires, loose electrical connections, broken extension cords, faulty switches and outlets and other common sources.


4/18/2010· Digital Forensics

Fonts For Forensics

By: Dr. Frederick B. Cohen

Like other latent evidence that cannot be directly perceived by people, bit sequences have to be presented through tools. Presentations of digital forensic evidence often involve the presentation of text versions of bit sequences representing traces of events that took place within digital systems.


4/18/2010· Digital Forensics

COFEE And The State Of Digital Forensics

By: Dr. Frederick B. Cohen

Computer Online Forensic Evidence Extractor (COFEE) is a software program developed by Microsoft for use by law enforcement. It was held closely by law enforcement for a period of time until it was revealed in the last year, and subsequently, several individuals released software intended to defeat the utility of COFEE.


4/18/2010· Digital Forensics

Moving Toward A Science Of Digital Forensic Evidence Examination

By: Dr. Frederick B. Cohen

Like almost every scientific endeavor, the examination of digital forensic evidence (DFE) started out somewhere between an art and a craft. People with special skills and knowledge leverage that skill set and knowledge base to put forth notions about the meaning of DFE in the context of legal matters. While the court system greatly appreciates science and its role through expert testimony in providing probative information, that appreciation is substantially challenged by the lack of a scientific base, in the form of adequate peer reviewed publications associated with professional societies,


3/30/2010· Forensics

Administrative Policies Dealing with Crime Scene Operations

By: George Schiro, MS, F-ABC

One specialized operation that is routinely abused is the crime scene operation. From small police departments to large law enforcement agencies, the biggest problem with crime scene operations is the presence and interference of non-essential personnel at the scene. The law enforcement agency’s administration should deal with this and other crime scene investigation problems through effective crime scene management.


3/17/2010· Appraisal & Valuation

Introduction To Business Valuation Concepts For Attorneys

By: Thomas Kalajian, BS, CRTP, AVA, ABAR

This article is intended to provide a conceptual introduction of business valuation for attorneys who seek a confirmation of the fundamentals, disabuse from common misleading notions, or practical tips to assess the quality of valuation reports encountered in their practices. Business valuation is a broad and technically challenging discipline.

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