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11/25/2009· Accounting

The Bias in Annual (Versus Monthly) Discounting is Immaterial

By: Jay Abrams, ASA, CPA, MBA

This article presents a discussion of the validity of using the mid-year convention from a different point of view than the March 2002 BVR article by Michael Dobner.


11/3/2009· Food & Beverage

Confronting Food & Beverage Quality Failures with Analytical Chemistry

By: Chemir Analytical Services

Quality issues or product failures can cause manufacturing shut-downs, customer complaints or even legal disputes. These problems include contamination, off-flavors/colors/odors, toxic substances, migration/leaching and packaging failures.


10/19/2009· Automotive - Vehicular

The Transportation Training Conundrum

By: Ned Einstein

Recently, I conducted a workshop on safety and liability for transportation directors. I asked innocently, "What do you do after training?" Several attendees shouted out, "More training!"


10/15/2009· Banking

Corporate Governance: How to Act in a Post Bailout Era

By: Catherine A. Ghiglieri

Corporate governance refers to the manner in which a company is directed by its board of directors. With the collapse of such companies as Enron, WorldCom, and others, there has been greater scrutiny of corporate governance and the manner in which boards of directors make decisions affecting their companies.


10/12/2009· Psychology

Psychologically Speaking©: Negotiation 101

By: Kenneth J. Manges, PhD, ABVE, CVE, CFP

Advice about negotiation often focuses on procedure, strategy, and tactics. However, some of the most important factors in dispute resolution are the subliminal aspects of the interaction that operate outside the awareness of the participants, which may create unnecessary barriers to the effective resolution in dispute.


10/9/2009· Physician Assistants

Physician Assistant Malpractice History: Comparing Pas to Physicians and Nurse Practitioners

By: Jeffrey G. Nicholson, PA-C, PhD

Based on the first seventeen years of data from the National Practitioner Data Bank, nationwide Physician Assistant malpractice demonstrates lower malpractice incidence and average payment amounts over a 17 Year Period Compared to MDs and Advance Practice Nurses


10/9/2009· Computers

The Role of the IT Expert Witness in Software and Systems Development/Implementation Contract Disputes and Litigation

By: Dr. Stephen Castell

Synopsis of a Talk given to the Association of Independent Computer Specialists


10/8/2009· Physician Assistants

The Physician Assistant Expert Witness & Medico-legal Consultant: A Guide for Attorneys & Experts

By: Jeffrey G. Nicholson, PA-C, PhD

The physician assistant ("PA") expert witness is a board certified and state licensed health care professional who by experience or training is qualified to give an opinion on the standard of care provided by fellow physician assistants. Although formal training is not required, some PA expert witnesses have completed seminars conducted by and for legal nurse consultants.


10/8/2009· Computers

The Benefits of ODR in Complex Software Contract Disputes

By: Dr. Stephen Castell

Software implementation contracts are frequently terminated with the software rejected amidst allegations from both supplier and customer, e.g. software/database errors/deficiencies, faulty design, shifting user/business requirements. An important technical issue on which the IT Expert appointed in such disputes is asked to give an expert opinion is: what was the quality of the delivered software and was it fit for purpose?


10/7/2009· Computers

IT Expert and Counsel in Computer Software Disputes - Professionals in Harmony

By: Dr. Stephen Castell

The Negotiation Competition, now in its fifth year, is a contest open to all law students in England and Wales, designed to promote the skill of negotiation, a crucial component of ADR

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