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5/7/2014· Hazardous Materials

Stored Energy Hazards and Accidents

By: John Ryan, BSME, PE

Stored energy is accumulated energy, which can release suddenly, potentially causing serious injury or death. Stored energy has many forms, including pressurized gases and liquids, stored mechanical energy, stored electrical energy, and gravitational potential energy. Stored energy is particularly dangerous because the hazard still exists when the original source of energy is removed. This issue of Clues will explain the various forms of hazardous stored energy, how these energies can cause damage or injuries, and how to prevent stored energy accidents.


12/21/2004· Hazardous Materials

Creosote Sites

By: Richard Parent, PhD, DABT, FATS, RAC, ERT

Most creosote mixtures that are used today are byproducts of the petroleum industry or coal gasification processes. They are mixtures of several hundreds of chemicals mostly polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) but contain a host of other chemicals including complex heterocyclic compounds

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Distributional Archaeology

by James I. Ebert, PhD

Compcontrol: The Secrets of Reducing...

by Edward J. Priz, et al


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