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10/15/2012· Meditation

Regression Therapy in Hypnosis

By: Peter H. Dennis

It is common in hypnotherapy to have a client tell you that he or she just feels stuck. They explain that they are not motivated to do anything, they don't complete tasks, and they procrastinate all the time


9/14/2012· Meditation

Benefits and Uses of Hypnosis

By: Peter H. Dennis

In my last article, I stated that the greatest benefit of meditation may actually be an increase in consciousness. The metaphysicists tell us that everything has consciousness (awareness). Most scientists wouldn't agree.


7/20/2012· Meditation

Meditation, Hypnosis and Self-Hypnosis

By: Peter H. Dennis

These are all states of consciousness or awareness, as are the states of sleep and every-day, walking-around wakefulness. These three, however, share a number of similarities that sleep and wakefulness only display in certain instances, and usually not to the same extent:


6/13/2012· Meditation

Benefits of Meditation

By: Peter H. Dennis

In my last article, I mentioned that many benefits accrue to those who practice regular meditation. In this one, I will be more specific. First, by "regular meditation", I mean approximately 20 minutes every day, give or take a few minutes, and without missing very many days.

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