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5/29/2012· Warnings & Labels

Semantics in Court: Providing Opinions on likely Meanings of Messages

By: Dr. Michael T. Motley

My first expert witness case involved a man who was injured using a chinup bar designed to fit within a door frame. The bar has rubber suction cups at each end, and its length is adjusted by twisting its two sections together or apart for a telescoping effect.


8/7/2009· Market Research

Survey Research to Support Litigation

By: Dr. Larry Chiagouris

Survey research is used to provide greater levels of understanding in a wide variety of disputes. Issues such as consumer confusion, misleading advertising claims, disparagement, copyright infringement and trademark disputes can be better assessed as a result of developing and executing survey research. The purpose of this monograph is to aid attorneys in understanding what research standards and guidelines might be relied upon in their use of survey research.


7/15/2009· Marketing

Effectively Using PR To Turn Up The Volume On Your Brand

By: Maggie Chamberlin Holben, APR

The greatest sin in the public relations realm is the sin of doing absolutely nothing and then wondering why the media isn’t paying attention to you (or, in the case of a crisis, are eating you alive). As a business owner or manager, you can arm yourself with a copy of Full Frontal PR or Public Relations For Dummies and engage in "do it yourself" PR or you can contract with a PR consulting firm to assist you in the adventure. Whatever the case, it’s up to you to make use of proven PR tactics to help build awareness and credibility for your brand.


6/17/2009· Linguistics

Forensic Linguists: When Does a Lawyer Need One?

By: Dr. Alan M. Perlman

When does a lawyer need a linguist? As Roger Shuy, one of the most pre-eminent forensic linguists, has observed, the interpretation and application of the law are overwhelmingly about language


9/16/2008· Communication

Context Expert Opinion: Choose Your Words Carefully

By: Ray Horak

Communications is a science, an art, and a field of study, depending on the context. In simplest terms, communications is the means by which people express ideas or information


11/15/2002· Professional Skills

Power Up Your Image - Strike A Profile For Profit

By: Sherry Maysonave

Are you earning the income that you desire to earn or believe that you are capable of earning? Do you want to win raises and promotions? If so, it is essential that you pay attention to your workplace image. In today's dressed-down business environment, millions are suffering from the Casual Confusion Syndrome


3/12/2002· Public Speaking

Speak And Grow Rich

By: Dottie Walters

Do you have an area of special expertise? How would you like to make big money talking about it?... Lots of money? Professional speakers can earn over $800,000 per year! In this exciting book which is considered the "Bible of the Professional Speaking Industry", world class speaker, Dottie Walters will give you money-making information on

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Career Management for Chemists: A...

by John C. Fetzer, PhD

Practicing Medicine Profitably : A...

by Barry S. Verkauf, MD

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