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7/11/2017· Securities

Expert's Corner: Selling Away - Broker-Dealer Liability for Selling Away Transactions and the Responsibility of Supervisory Personnel

By: Bob Lawson

In the securities brokerage industry, "selling-away" refers to the prohibited practice of an Associated Person effecting or soliciting the sale of securities or investment products not held or approved with whom the broker is affiliated without prior written consent. FINRA regulators have seen a steady flow of selling-away cases over the years involving registered representatives who are being targeted by issuers, promoters and marketing agents to sell their nontraditional investment products to their retail customers. In many instances, promoters of these products are marketing them as non-securities products that do not have to be sold through a broker-dealer by a registered person. In a significant number of cases, associated persons have sold these investments to their customers away from the broker-dealer and without firm approval as required by FINRA Rule 3270. Selling-away often occurs in an independent branch or a satellite office, where Associated Persons are removed from the day-to-day oversight and supervision of their brokerage firm's compliance department.


10/15/2009· Banking

Corporate Governance: How to Act in a Post Bailout Era

By: Catherine A. Ghiglieri

Corporate governance refers to the manner in which a company is directed by its board of directors. With the collapse of such companies as Enron, WorldCom, and others, there has been greater scrutiny of corporate governance and the manner in which boards of directors make decisions affecting their companies.


6/19/2009· Securities

Midnight Oil Burners

By: Robert Erwin Ross

I had a call last week on Friday, from the search firm, seeking to potentially fill a recent query for an Expert Witness. Reporting that I’m available for a phone interview was the next step. With that in mind, I could expect a call from a law firm partner, who would be asking


12/30/2004· Finance

If You Are Searching For Answers

By: Andrea Joyce Wagner, Coletta L. Dorado

AS AN INVESTOR, you too may have experienced that uncomfortable feeling of not knowing how to read your monthly statement showing activity and positions or other documents sent to you by your brokerage firm

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A Death at Camp David

by Harry A. Milman, PhD

November Days

by Bonnie M. Ruth, PhD, CRC, CCM broker Movie Ad

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