1/26/2011· Physician Assistants
Does The Employment Of Physician Assistants And Nurse Practitioners Increase Liability?
We assessed whether physician assistant (PA) and nurse practitioner (NP) utilization increases liability.
1/26/2011· Physician Assistants
Does The Employment Of Physician Assistants And Nurse Practitioners Increase Liability?
We assessed whether physician assistant (PA) and nurse practitioner (NP) utilization increases liability.
1/22/2011· Banking
The Tangled Web of Enforcement Actions
As more and more banks are being downgraded to a problem bank status in this difficult economic environment, they are facing the prospect of a regulatory enforcement action.
1/15/2011· Aerosols - Aerosol Products
Aerosol Anatomy: Aerosol Valves - Stem Gaskets - Part 1
By: John Chadwick
This is a continuation of the Aerosol Anatomy series, which focuses on dissecting and examining various technical topics in aerosol technology, including product development, new technology, components of the aerosol system, quality control and other related topics of interest to formulators and manufacturers of aerosol products.
12/21/2010· Medical Malpractice
By: Paul B. Hofmann, DrPH, FACHE
Progress has been made on improving patient safety and reducing clinical mistakes, but errors happen and, in spite of everything, patients are still harmed.
12/2/2010· Arms - Guns - Weapons
Missile Defense In The News - The "Pearls" of Pearl Harbor
By: Riki Ellison
The United States Navy is the strongest proponent for the global missile defense mission amongst the branches of the U.S. military. Out of the Navy's core missions only the attack air strike and strategic nuclear capability does not involve missile defense.
11/23/2010· Crisis Management
Hummingbird Syndrome: Why Disasters Occur
By: Luiz Hargreaves, AAS, MD, Msc
There once was a fire in a forest, the animals were in panic… they saw a hummingbird going towards the river, picking up some water in order to try to extinguish the fire. He repeated this gesture frequently and thoroughly.
11/23/2010· Crisis Management
Vulnerabilities And Threats: A Relationship Not Always Understood
By: Luiz Hargreaves, AAS, MD, Msc
In recent years, organizations have increasingly been incorporating strategic planning into management. All organizations, including State(s), have missions, values and visions. In other words, it is necessary for everyone in these organizations to understand what it means to work for this corporation or what it means to be a government employee.
11/20/2010· Slip, Trip & Fall
By: Nicholas Propes, PhD, Ash Thakker, PhD, Jyoti Ajit
A "slip and fall" or "trip and fall" is the generic term for an injury which occurs when someone slips, trips or falls as a result of a dangerous or hazardous condition on someone else's property. It includes falls as a result of water, ice or snow, as well as abrupt changes in flooring, poor lighting, or a hidden hazard, such as a gap or hard to see hole in the ground
11/19/2010· Metallurgy
Metallurgy And Statistics Tech Notes: Creep And Stress Rupture Tests
Creep of a metal or alloy is defined as its time-dependent deformation under constant stress at a given temperature, and is associated with elevated temperatures, usually defined as any temperature above 1/2 the melting point (in absolute degrees).
10/10/2010· Risk Management
Vulnerability And Risk Assessment In The Environment Of Care
By: Robert Owles, Jr, MA, MBA, CSC
Vulnerabilities are opportunities, opportunities for crime, opportunities for rule breaking violations, opportunities for loss. By definition, a vulnerability is a weakness or gap in a security program that can be exploited by threats to gain unauthorized access to an asset. Vulnerabilities include structural, procedural, electronic, human and other elements which provide opportunities to attack assets