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6/19/2009· Healthcare

The U.S. Supreme Court Ruling (Levine vs. Wyeth) Has MAJOR Implications For Potential WARNING Claims Against Pharmaceuticals…

By: Dr. Gerald Goldhaber

The Goldhaber Warnings Report: The U.S. Supreme Court ruling (March 5, Levine vs. Wyeth) will have major implications for the pharmaceutical industry forcing them literally to review all of their warnings and safety instructions for content, clarity and conspicuousness


11/27/2008· Healthcare

It Started With Joe

By: Carol Bradley

It started with Joe. My elderly neighbor had lost his wife and his only child lived in New Jersey. He was totally deaf. How could I not help? My children were then young, and we adopted Joe. How could I have known he would become my charge for over five years

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Biopesticides: State of the Art and...

by Joel R. Coats, et al. (editors)

Litigation Services Handbook : The...

by Roman L. Weil (Editor), et al

Psychological Evaluations for the Courts

by Gary B. Melton (Editor), John Petrila, Norman G. Poythress, Slobogin, Christopher Slobogin broker Movie Ad

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