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4/24/2012· Construction

Construction: Law, Risk, Liability & Respondeat Superior

By: Wayne Baruch

A construction project involves so many stakeholders *1, each of whom has a several, often competing needs and interests. These interests and parties include, but are certainly not limited to: oneself versus one or more of the other stakeholders, home or business owner, financial, time, aesthetics, functionality, durability, features and specifications of products and materials, regulatory, professional standards, and ethics.


11/18/2011· Construction

Consumer Protection & More Successful Construction Projects (We're In It Together)

By: Wayne Baruch

Owners, consumers, professionals, tradespeople, vendors, and regulators are all involved in the purchase goods and services. However, how many are actually, accurately aware of their duties and rights for those transactions according to the law? Some parties are ethical and/or competent to make a wise purchase.


5/25/2011· Construction

Lead Based Paint: Compliance With EPA's RRP Rule (40 CFR 745); Renovation, Repair, And Painting...And The Real World

By: Wayne Baruch

By now, you have probably heard about the rules that tell us how to properly manage lead-based paint under the U.S. EPA, the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), and most State, County, and Local governments.


1/28/2011· Construction

Construction Expert Witness Practice

By: Wayne Baruch

We all find ourselves in legal disputes from time to time.

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Markers of Chemically Induced Cancer

by Harry A. Milman, PhD, Gustave Freeman (Eds.) broker Movie Ad

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