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2/16/2011· Economics

Measuring The Loss Of Enjoyment Of Life In Personal Injury Cases In Washington - Hedonic Damages

By: Stan V. Smith

In most courts, the value of a human being is not recognized. According to the laws of many states, your life isn't worth a "plugged nickel" if you no longer work.


2/15/2011· Psychiatry

Testifying in Contested Custody Litigation

By: Anasseril E. Daniel

Testifying in court or at deposition is a challenging and at times, disconcerting experience even for the seasoned expert.


2/14/2011· Insurance

Agents Beware: Due Diligence Is Now Required

By: Michael Sapourn

Transactions between retail agents and brokers they place business through just became more labor intensive.


2/11/2011· Security

Missile Defense In The News - U.S. Homeland Missile Defense

By: Riki Ellison

The number one priority for ballistic missile defense as stated and outlined clearly by President Barack Obama is the defense of the United States homeland.


2/10/2011· Premises Liability

Crime & Premises Liability: Assessments & Defenses

By: James F. Pastor

When considering how to limit crimes by third parties, or at least limit the liability exposure from such, there are three basic approaches: pre-incident assessments, post-incident investigations, and legal defenses.


2/3/2011· Security

Architectural Security: Integrating Security With Design

By: Randall Atlas, PhD, AIA, CPP

The "form follows function" tenet of 20th century architecture holds that the specific functional requirements of a building should determine design criteria.


2/2/2011· Computers

Case Scenario: Failed Wholesale Distribution ERP System

By: Brooks Hilliard

A regional wholesale distributor of construction products was sold a manufacturing ERP system that the software developer and implementer claimed was capable of meeting its distribution needs.


1/28/2011· Construction

Construction Expert Witness Practice

By: Wayne Baruch

We all find ourselves in legal disputes from time to time.


1/28/2011· Medical Malpractice

Your Med-Mal Expert – An Advocate for the Truth

By: Thomas J. Berger, MD

In 1998, problems with my vision forced me to retire from the active practice of cardiac surgery...In recent years it has become progressively more difficult for attorneys to find experts willing to tell the truth about malpractice.


1/27/2011· Construction

Sustainable Safety: A Lifecycle Strategy for Fall Prevention

By: Michael C. Wright

The traditional methodology for addressing safety for facilities, machines or products is for owners, architects, engineers, consultants, contractors and vendors to complete the design, engineering, construction or fabrication of a project based on past knowledge, experience and training.

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