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10/21/2020· Employment

Expert Witness' Checklist When Reviewing An Employer's Handling Of Workforce / Employee Complaints

By: Aaron T. Olson

Clients need to know what an expert witness does in the review of an employer’s handling of a workforce complaint. The complaint could be regarding discrimination, sexual harassment, misconduct, or retaliation, any of which could potentially lead to the accused’s termination. An expert who has the experience of conducting employment investigations will be able to assess if the employer’s handling of the workforce complaint, actions or omissions was satisfactory or unsatisfactory.


8/20/2020· Employment

How Businesses Can Overcome Age Discrimination In The Workplace

By: Dr. Linnda Durré

Here's how businesses can institute new polices requiring all employees to participate in fun and informative workshops to overcome ageist assumptions about younger workers or seniors. Get rid of prejudices and limiting beliefs that prevent camaraderie, productivity, and profits.


7/10/2020· Employment

Age Discrimination In The Corporate World: "OK Boomer!" Stereotypes Of Seniors

By: Dr. Linnda Durré

Age discrimination is a global phenomenon and perpetuates unfair, unjust and untrue stereotypes of seniors. Corporations think they are saving money by replacing older workers with younger ones. Cheaper doesn't mean better. Widespread lawsuits claiming and proving ageism are a way seniors can fight age discrimination and change laws.


4/3/2009· Workplace Violence

Workplace Violence: A Legal Perspective

By: Rebecca A. Speer

Workplace violence presents one of the greatest challenges an organization can face. Poised at the intersection of corporate oversight and law enforcements purview, threats and violence that affect the workplace generate a wealth of concerns for management

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The Privatization of Police in...

by James F. Pastor, PhD, JD

The Synergy of One: Creating...

by Michael J. Dreikorn broker Movie Ad

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