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10/26/2023· Medical Malpractice

Administrative Law - Standard Of Care In Opioid Stewardship

By: Joel L. Kent, MD

I was asked by a state medical licensing board to evaluate the practice of a primary care physician in regards to their oversight of opioid analgesics. My findings identified serious aberrant events in the majority of the cases reviewed. Among the aberrancies that raised concern included episodes of DUI events in several of the patients in question...


11/21/2022· Pain Management

Defense Support - Wrongful Death Suit Related To Opioid Analgesics

By: Joel L. Kent, MD

Following my review of the records as well as the research I conducted, I provided an affidavit to the court indicating that the claims of negligence against this provider had no merit. I found that the treatments provided had been fully within the standard of care recognized at the time.


12/5/2005· Pain Management

Acute and Post Operative Pain Management For Children

By: Dr. Steven Richeimer

Traditionally, pain in children is a topic that has received only minimal attention.Much of our understanding of pain in children has been extrapolated from adult studies.As recently as 20 years ago clinicians felt that it was unnecessary to prevent or treat pain in children because the prevailing opinion was that


7/31/2004· Pain Management

Cancer Pain

By: Dr. Steven Richeimer

I think every doctor has several patients that are etched into his memory. One such patient was Dr. G. He was a doctor, the same age that I was, and he had cancer. Cancer pain is different from other pains

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