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2/12/2025· Expert Witnessing

3 Ways Case Studies Are Unbelievably Helpful For Expert Witnesses

By: Hana Zumout, MS

Attracting the right clients requires credibility, authority, and visibility. But how can experts effectively showcase their knowledge, analytical skills, and ability to communicate complex information? The answer: case studies.


2/14/2024· Expert Witnessing

The Trial Of The Medical Expert Witness

By: William H. Dillin, MD

The law is central to human behavior, while medicine performs its own role in health and life. The medical expert witness appears before the law, toting biomedical science. The role of the expert witness sits on the scales of justice. Those scales should be balanced, and there should be regard for the lady holding them.


10/26/2023· Medical Malpractice

The Role Of A Plastic Surgery Expert In Medical Malpractice Cases

By: Dr. Thomas Zaydon

When it comes to medicine, patients trust their physician to improve their health and enhance their appearance. Often times, a plastic surgery expert can provide input as to assessing the Standard of Care and identifying possible negligence or errors.


4/26/2022· Medical Malpractice

Bariatric Surgery And Endoscopy Expert Witness: Providing A Valuable Service An Medical Malpractice Litigation

By: Dr. Kent Sasse

Metabolic and Bariatric surgery and endoscopy play increasingly important roles in the treatment of type two diabetes and obesity. American Diabetes Association and other societal guidelines now incorporate sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass into their recommended treatment protocols.


5/30/2021· Expert Witnessing

As An Expert Witness, Avoid Implicating In Hypothetical Examples

By: Beth Mohr, CFE, CAMS, CCCI

Certified Fraud Examiners build solid careers by considering all potential legal pitfalls, anticipating problems and taking opportunities to educate others about CFEs’ roles and responsibilities. For example, were precluded from opining about the legal guilt or innocence of any party in any of our cases…


4/7/2021· Expert Witnessing

Retaining The Expert Witness: Begin With The End In Mind

By: Beth Mohr, CFE, CAMS, CCCI

This article will discuss the forensic accounting expert, but these same strategies apply to other types of expert witnesses in a variety of fields, including medical experts, psychologists, accident reconstruction experts, engineers and other forensic experts. The consulting expert is a member of the legal team whose job it is to support the advocacy of the attorney.


2/2/2021· Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Failed Implementation of a Major Software Developer's Payroll System

By: Panorama Consulting Group

Panorama’s Expert Witness team was retained to provide a forensic analysis and written report to the court regarding the failed implementation of a major software developer’s ERP/payroll system. The goal of the implementation was to allow for the generation of accurate and traceable employee payrolls for a large governmental entity.


5/16/2018· Expert Witnessing

Lawyers, Expert Witnesses and Ethics-Beyond Mere Testimony

By: Greg Gerganoff

Lawyers and courts turn to expert witnesses to provide triers of fact with explanations of aspects of a case that are not commonly known. It is the subject matter expert's education, experience, and skill in a particular area that will help the triers of fact to reach a well-informed conclusion/decision. Examples of expert witnesses include medical doctors, accountants, engineers, DNA scientists, and more. Lawyers (and the courts) will employ an expert witness to shed more light upon factual issues for the purpose of discerning the truth. In short, expert witnesses educate, clarify, and explain a subject that is not common knowledge for most people.


11/3/2017· Expert Witnessing

How Independent Is Your Expert?

By: Michael J. Garibaldi CPA, ABV, CFF, CGMA

It may be detrimental to an expert witness's credibility if even the appearance of a lack of independence exists. In today's legal environment, discrediting an expert based on his or her relationship with counsel, the client or the judge is common. Let's examine how to identify an expert's independence.


10/17/2017· Expert Witnessing

Do Your Expert Witness Reports and Testimony Comply with 2015 Amendments to CRCP (Colorado Code of Civil Procedure)?

By: Greg Gerganoff

The employ of expert witnesses in litigation is typically undertaken to help the decider of fact (judge or jury) decipher an area of specialized knowledge which is key to the case. The expert report serves the primary purpose of "educating" deciders of fact on topics not commonly known to the general public. However, a noncomplying expert report can wreak havoc on a case, increase costs or worse, have the expert's testimony precluded in whole or part from use at trial. This of course is contrary to the purpose of retaining an expert in the first place. Understanding the parameters of compliance (C.R.C.P. 26 (a) (2) (B) (I)) and how sanctions for non-compliance (C.R.C.P. 37 (c) (1)) may be applied is important not only for legal counsel but the expert as well under the 2015 rule updates and the recent Colorado Supreme Court case, Catholic Health Initiatives Colorado v. Earl Swensson Associates, Inc.

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