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7/18/2007· Feng Shui

How Zen Can Shape Creative Thinking

By: Margo Berman

Introducing Zen into a creativity seminar provides stimulating discussions, invigorating stories, and compelling exercises. It is especially useful in shifting paradigms, redirecting participants’ thinking, and sharpening their focus


12/2/2005· Feng Shui

Prediction For The Year Of The Wood Rooster 4703

By: Angi Ma Wong - The FengShui Lady

After the unpredictable Year of the Monkey with its horrendous surprise ending with the Asian earthquake and tsunami, most of us are ready for the new year of the Rooster which begins on February 9, 2005. The element of wood remains above that of metal during this year, portending a continuation of disharmonious relations on the international front but with hope


12/2/2005· Feng Shui

The Feng Shui Of Los Angeles

By: Angi Ma Wong - The FengShui Lady

You might say that I have an affinity to the City of Angels. You see, I was named after the town by the banks of the puny river grandly named Nuestra Senora de Los Angeles de Porciuncula


9/1/2002· Feng Shui

September 11: A Feng Shui Perspective

By: Angi Ma Wong - The FengShui Lady

What can help us to comprehend disaster and loss of such magnitude? We can try to put it in terms of astrology, currently circulating: Numerology on the World Trade Center


5/19/2001· Feng Shui

Feng Shui: An Ancient Tradition Goes Mainstream

By: Angi Ma Wong - The FengShui Lady

Unless you have been living in a cave in the past year, the subject of feng shui, literally, "wind-water" in Chinese, the ancient environmental system of placement, has been inescapable! In electronic and print media, from coast to coast, continent to continent, and everywhere in between, there's no doubt that nationwide and globally, people are becoming more aware, acquainted, enamored, and yes, confused, about feng shui

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Cry the Beloved Mind: A Voyage of Hope

by Vernon M. Neppe MD, PhD, FRSSAf, DFAPA

Design Guide for Infrastructure...

by Rauch Safety & Engineering broker Movie Ad

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