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8/19/2011· Arms - Guns - Weapons

Missile Defense In The News: U.S. Army Missile, Rocket, and Mortar Defense

By: Riki Ellison

Today's missile, rocket, and mortar threats to our armed forces deployed throughout the middle East are severe and growing.


4/25/2011· Arms - Guns - Weapons

Missile Defense In The News - A Brief View of U.S. Missile Defense

By: Riki Ellison

Missile Defense defends and protects our nation, our deployed military forces and our allies against current and future proliferating missile threats from hostile countries and entities.


2/11/2011· Security

Missile Defense In The News - U.S. Homeland Missile Defense

By: Riki Ellison

The number one priority for ballistic missile defense as stated and outlined clearly by President Barack Obama is the defense of the United States homeland.


12/2/2010· Arms - Guns - Weapons

Missile Defense In The News - The "Pearls" of Pearl Harbor

By: Riki Ellison

The United States Navy is the strongest proponent for the global missile defense mission amongst the branches of the U.S. military. Out of the Navy's core missions only the attack air strike and strategic nuclear capability does not involve missile defense.

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