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2/21/2022· Exercise & Fitness

Standards Of Care and Utility For New Personal Training Director

By: Dr. Laura Miele

This article discusses the main areas of safe practice that managers must address in order to create a sound environment for their facility's members, clients and staff - and to protect their business.


9/26/2021· Exercise & Fitness

Fitness Facility Operations: A Forensic Perspective

By: Dr. Laura Miele

Fitness facilities provide a number of services to the public. Those services encompass how to train and create an overall healthy being. There are national standards and guidelines that fitness facilities must follow in order to keep their members safe. Some issues that large and small fitness facilities have in common are the lack of knowledge regarding safe practices in the fitness industry

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The Nurse Consultant's Handbook

by Belinda Puetz, Linda J. Shinn

World Wide Rave: Creating Triggers...

by David Meerman Scott broker Movie Ad

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