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5/16/2014· Automotive - Vehicular

Buses and Motorcoaches: Directing the Students Across

By: Ned Einstein

At the rudimentary level at which most crossing procedures are executed, schoolbus drivers are supposed to "direct" the students across the roadway when they are certain that either the traffic has been stopped in both directions or it is so distant (if even visible) that the students could easily complete their crossing before any oncoming vehicles reach the bus. The bus would obviously have its red flashers and stop arm engaged as a "fail safe."


2/19/2013· Warnings & Labels

U.S. Judge Halts Implementation of Graphic Cigarette Warnings

By: Dr. Gerald M. Goldhaber

Last month, Judge Richard J. Leon of the United States District Court in Washington, D.C. permanently blocked the FDA reqillrement that was to go into effect later this year that would have forced the tobacco industry to put extremely graphic warnings on the top half of the front and back of a pack of cigarettes.


3/8/2012· Mediation

What's Wrong With America-Ideology and Injustice Collide

By: Douglas Noll

Let's consider what makes this time slightly different than previous times of unrest. The essential facts are that most Americans are suffering through the deepest economic depression since the 1930s. We barely avoided a complete economic collapse and may still see an economic collapse if the euro fails.


5/20/2016· Accident Prevention & Safety

"Work Related Vehicle Accidents - The Overlooked Hazard At Work."

By: Greg Gerganoff

Use fall protection; Use trench boxes when excavating; Lock out Tag Out any time repair or maintenance of equipment involving stored energy is performed; Slips, Trips and Falls are one of the most expensive types of injury. For my sixteen years in safety these safety hazards were always in the forefront of safety concerns for businesses and safety professionals. Guess what? Work related road way crashes is the number one serious/fatal injury cause for U.S. workers. OSHA recognizes this. CDC/NIOSH has generated a white paper studying this fact. Who knew? So here is some info on this number one safety hazard in the US work place.


11/14/2022· Pollution - Air Quality Control

Hydrogen Sulfide Emissions Characterization

By: Timothy Minnich, MS, QEP

This report presents the hydrogen sulfide (H2S) emissions inventory necessary to support a comprehensive City Environmental Quality Review (CEQR) air quality analysis for this compound.


6/21/2018· Construction

Court Determines Sanitary District Can Use Its Own Employees for Construction Projects

By: Darryl Horowitt

The Public Contracts Code generally provides that contracts for certain dollar amounts, generally exceeding $15,000 to $25,000, must be sent out for bid and let to the lowest responsible bidder after appropriate notice is given. Public Contracts Code § 20803, which governs sanitary districts, contains such a requirement for any contract exceeding $15,000.


10/10/2016· Psychiatry

Comparison of Psychiatrists and Psychologists in Clinical Practice

By: Dr. David Pingitore

Objective: The authors compared data from psychiatrists and psychologists in California to determine whether long-standing differences in clinical practice remain after the introduction of managed care and other changes in mental service delivery. Methods: Responses from practicing clinicians in California who participated in the 1998 National Survey of Psychiatric Practice and the 2000 California Survey of Psychological Practice were compared on items related to patient caseload, practice profile, and insurance or reimbursement arrangements.


7/23/2019· Documentation Examination & Analysis

A Weak Forensic Document Examiner's Opinion Helps Win Case

By: Mike Wakshull

You have hired a forensic examiner to analyze evidence for your civil case. After a thorough examination of the evidence, the forensic examiner delivers a weak forensic opinion toward favoring your theory of the case. Will the examiner's weak opinion help you in trial?


6/13/2019· Telecommunication

Rumplestiltskin, LLP: The Dark Side of Dialers

By: Ray Horak

Most of us know, at least in general terms, about the restrictions on unsolicited telemarketing calls to consumers and the national Do-Not-Call (DNC) list designed to end those annoyances...or opportunities, depending on your perspective. Just to refresh your memory, the TCPA states "It shall be unlawful for any person within the United States, or any person outside the United States if the recipient is within the United States—(A) to make any call (other than a call made for emergency purposes or made with the prior express consent of the called party) using any automatic telephone dialing system [ATDS] or an artificial or prerecorded voice


6/28/2013· Medical - Medicine

Evaluation of a Ventricular Assist Device: Stability Under X-Rays and Therapeutic Beam Attenuation

By: Michael Gossman

Improved outcomes and quality of life of heart failure patients have been reported with the use of left ventricular assist devices (LVADs).

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