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8/6/2013· Medical - Medicine

Intact Performance of a Cochlear Implant Following Radiotherapy in a Child With Acute LymphobLastic Leukemia

By: Michael Gossman

Cochlear implants, via direct electrical stimulation of the auditory nerve, allow the restoration of hearing and speech recognition in both adults and children having sensorineural deafness. These devices typically contain both extemal components (speech processor, microphone, transmitter) and intemal components (including the cochlear stimulator and electrode array), which are surgically placed under the skin behind the ear and in the cochlea.


7/18/2013· Radiology

Evaluation of a Ventricular Assist Device: Stability in a Proton Beam Therapy

By: Michael Gossman

Inadequate research exists regarding testing of a ventricular assist device (VAD) for susceptibility to radiation damage. Specifically, minimal data are available to radiation oncologists prescribing treatment plans for patients with an implanted VAD. As the number of implanted devices increases, patients requiring radiation at tissue sites near or at the device will increase.


6/28/2013· Medical - Medicine

Evaluation of a Ventricular Assist Device: Stability Under X-Rays and Therapeutic Beam Attenuation

By: Michael Gossman

Improved outcomes and quality of life of heart failure patients have been reported with the use of left ventricular assist devices (LVADs).


1/8/2013· Radiology

Planning Dosimetry Near Vascular Ports

By: Michael Gossman

New research shows the effects of electron beams on implanted vascular access ports composed of plastic, determining how they impair the fluence of radiation around them.


10/23/2012· Radiology

Effects on Radiation Oncology Treatments Involving Various Neuromodulation Devices

By: Michael Gossman

Abstract. Object: Where no society-based or manufacturer guidance on radiation limits to neuromodulation devices is available, this research provides the groundwork for neurosurgeons and radiation oncologists who rely on the computerized treatment plan clinically for cancer patients.

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