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6/21/2013· Aquatics Safety

Public Access Defibrillation

By: Gerald Dworkin

A Statement for Healthcare Professionals From the American Heart Association Task Force on Automatic External Defibrillation


9/9/2014· Product Liability

Proposed Warning for Food Products with Excessive Sugar

By: Dr. Gerald M. Goldhaber

If you buy a box of Kraft Mac & Cheese in the UK (the same Mac & Cheese that is sold in the U.S.), the following warning label appears on the package: Warning: This Product May Cause Adverse Effects Activity AndAttention in Children. This warning is required because the U.S. version of Kraft Mac & Cheese has artificial food dyes yellow #5 and yellow #6, which are proven to be linked to hyperactivity in children. The warning does NOT appear in the U.S.


6/14/2016· Insurance

Life Insurance and Retirement - The Unvarnished Truth

By: Willard Brumbaugh

Having spent over 45 years in the life insurance business, I had become frustrated with the books that I had been reading that promote permanent life insurance in a manner that I considered exaggerated or flawed. I shared my frustration with several people who responded by challenging me to write a response that says what should have been said by these other authors.


2/6/2014· Expert Witnessing

Go Forth and Testify

By: Joe Samnik

At first blush you may think that this article is about a small, albeit ugly armored animal and you would be justified in doing so. After all, the name Armadillo Partners conjures up a mental image of a corporate holding of armadillos, presumably for sale. Such would not be the case however. In fact, this article is about an arbor area and trees located at a shopping center called Armadillo Square in Broward County, Florida.


3/11/2014· Plants & Trees

Doctor, Doctor, Can You Save My...Tree? 45 Years of the Most Asked Questions

By: Joe Samnik

When your area of expertise includes tree preservation, and you have been doing just that for 45 years, a pattern of anticipation emerges from the owner of the tree as it relates to certain inquiries regarding the process and expectations. Wither my client is commercial or residential there are shared common denominators associated with each person. Here is my summation of the most frequently asked questions and my response:


10/11/2018· OSHA

Use of OSHA as Standard of Care in Negligence Cases-Expert Safety Witness Role

By: Greg Gerganoff

When personal injury events occur legal negligence actions may arise. Common law negligence is established by plaintiff showing defendant owed plaintiff a legal duty, to conform to a standard of care, defendant breached that duty, plaintiff suffered injury and there is a causal relationship between the breach and injury.


7/26/2020· Accounting

How To Identify A Company's Financial Distress By Using Cash Flow Statements

By: Michael Pakter

It is essential that creditors, managers, and shareholders - as well as the attorneys who advise them - timely identify and respond to signs of a company’s financial distress. Financial distress, according to Investopedia, “is a condition in which a company or individual cannot generate revenue or income because it is unable to meet or cannot pay its financial obligations


3/12/2014· Finance

An Easy Assist for an Overlooked but Tough Group

By: Dr. Kenneth E. Lehrer

There are few groups more reliable than the United States military. One could change all of their mottoes to "Again and again - no questions asked." Those who have served in the military have done so at a solid financial cost. Despite this, the years of the 1950s, 1960s and even into the 1970s were periods with high savings rates, rates that today appear almost unachievable. How did they save so much, seek to enjoy life so fully and raise another generation, the Baby Boomers?


10/15/2018· Finance

How Openness Personality Affects Financial Planning and Investment Decision Making

By: Marguerita Cheng

Financial planners begin their initial client meetings with a discussion of money goals, attitudes, and risk tolerance. Why? Well, it's because all investors are not created equally. Open individuals crave adrenaline-spiking adventures, always looking for thrilling activities. Most of the time, they are curious about information and knowledge about financial planning and investment decisions. These individuals enjoy researching and finding out about finance topics of interest.


2/20/2018· Telecommunication

Analyst Angle: Innovation in the 5G communications platform and the IoT

By: Keith Mallinson

At a conference entitled Patents in Telecoms & the Internet of Things, at George Washington University in the District of Columbia last week, I was perturbed to hear a speaker mischaracterizing the communications standards as platforms of preexisting technologies upon which IoT innovation will occur. Major research and development investments are being made in communications technologies and standards to satisfy the anticipated demands of 5G and IoT. In fact, these investments, with significant innovations resulting already, are largely a leap of faith in advance of hoped-for IoT applications development and proof of demand for these.

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