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5/21/2024· Elevators - Escalator - Automatic Doors

The Evolution Of Escalator And Auto-Walk Braking Systems

By: Anthony S. Boom

Ever since the very first escalator was installed, escalator manufacturers and safety code committees have worked proactively and reactively to make escalators as safe to ride as possible. Whether manufacturers and code committees were acting proactively or reactively, as time passed, many new safety devices and rules were implemented to make escalators and auto-walks safer to ride.


6/12/2024· Plastic / Reconstructive / Cosmetic Surgery

The Crucial Role Of A Plastic Surgeon Expert Witness In Scarring And Deformity Cases

By: Dr. Thomas Zaydon

Plastic surgeon expert witnesses play a pivotal role in evaluating and managing cases involving scarring, deformity, and disfigurement. They serve as critical liaisons between the medical and legal realms, ensuring that justice is served with precision and expertise in matters where the human form and its vulnerabilities are central to the legal argument.


6/12/2024· Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

City Saves Struggling ERP Project By hiring Experienced Project Manager

By: Panorama Consulting Group

Panorama was engaged by the city to perform an assessment of the in-progress ERP implementation. The project had been stopped by the city in October 2019 amidst concerns about the operational readiness of the vendor’s software and the readiness of the city staff to successfully operate the new systems and corresponding processes.

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Curtis R.
Curtis R. Kimball, CFA, ASA

Senior Managing Director

Willamette Management Associates

Nik Ellis

Managing Director

Laird Assessors

Kent C.

Founder / Medical Director

Nevada Surgical Associates broker Movie Ad

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