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1/24/2017· Psychiatry

Persons With Depressive Symptoms And The Treatments They Receive: A Comparison Of Primary Care Physicians And Psychiatrists

By: Dr. David Pingitore

Objective: To determine if demographic differences exist in patients with depressive symptoms as the principal reason for visits to primary care physicians (PCP) versus psychiatrists. To estimate the likelihood of these patients receiving a range of mental health services from each provider group. Methods: Review and analysis of all outpatient visits made by patients with depressive symptoms using the National Ambulatory Medical Care Surveys (NAMCS) conducted in 1995 and 1996. Results: A significantly greater proportion of visits by persons with depressive symptoms as the principal reason for visit were made to psychiatrists than to primary care physicians (T = -3.56, P = .000).


12/16/2016· Neuropsychology

Assessing Neuro-Cognitive Complaints After Brain Injury: Distinguishing Fact from Fiction in Civil and Criminal Litigation

By: Dr. David Pingitore

Plaintiffs and other petitioners often sue for damages due to reported cognitive or emotional impairment. These impairments are often said to be the result of traumatic brain injury suffered in accidents or toxic exposures or due to medical procedures. Such impairments can often be subtle, not easily understood by nonprofessionals, but still claimed to have changed a person's life.


10/10/2016· Psychiatry

Comparison of Psychiatrists and Psychologists in Clinical Practice

By: Dr. David Pingitore

Objective: The authors compared data from psychiatrists and psychologists in California to determine whether long-standing differences in clinical practice remain after the introduction of managed care and other changes in mental service delivery. Methods: Responses from practicing clinicians in California who participated in the 1998 National Survey of Psychiatric Practice and the 2000 California Survey of Psychological Practice were compared on items related to patient caseload, practice profile, and insurance or reimbursement arrangements.


8/16/2016· Psychology

Practice Patterns Across the Clinical Life Span: Results From the California Survey of Psychological Practice

By: Dr. David Pingitore

Changes in practice patterns routinely occur over time, both with in an individual psychologist's practice and between generations of practitioners. However, little empirical research has been conducted to examine psychologists' practice patterns across their collective professional life span, and whether meaningful differences exist in these patterns among a sample of psychologists. This attic Ie examines clinical practice patterns among a sample of California psychologists whose collective career life span ranges from I to 40 years of postlicensure experience. The data for this aIticle were drawn from the 2000 California Survey of Psychological Practice (hereafter the California Survey; Pingitore, Scheffler, Haley, Sentell, & Schwalm, 200Ia).

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