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7/8/2014· Education & Schools

Using STEM & Green School Strategies With Urban Youth

By: Dr. Virginia Rhodes

Establishing a STEM High School (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics), and the Aiken Environmental, Ohio's first public environmental high school proved to be successful strategies to increase student engagement and raise standardized scores in science. High-poverty urban students from declining academic and disciplinary environments produced significant gains on science test results and credit attainment towards graduation. Using multiple overlapping rigor and SEL strategies, students experienced "science immersion," project-based learning, and a social-emotional curriculum that emphasized personal development and team/community-building skills.


4/22/2014· Appraisal & Valuation

Tree Risk Assessment: The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same

By: Joe Samnik

The title is certainly an old play on words and, perhaps correctly, states the fact that no matter how radical a change the underlying components remain the same, as do the consequences. Such is true in many industries and ours is no different. Take the ANSI A300, (Part 9), and the companion publication, Best Management Practices (BMP) Series Tree Risk Assessment, regarding the assessment of tree risks.


1/28/2015· Insurance

Current Trends: The Unintended Results of the Absolute Exclusion

By: Frederick Fisher, JD, CCP

Two mutually exclusive goals are beginning to result in apparently unintended results within the executive and professional liability markets. The quest for underwriting profits and the desire to develop clear (to whatever extent possible) coverage language have rapidly changed the coverage landscape within these two lines of coverage.


2/19/2016· OSHA

Hydrogen Sulfide Awareness: Avoiding the Ostrich Zone

By: Greg Gerganoff

Hazard recognition plays a vital role in keeping employees safe. Some hazards are easily recognized, for example an employee climbing up a 20-ft ladder while holding tools in both hands is an obvious fall hazard. While some safety hazards are immediately recognizable, others require training to spot and avoid. One such hazard is hydrogen sulfide (H2S). Training is a key method to avoid the "ostrich zone." You do not want to bury your head when facing this hazard.


6/30/2014· Plants & Trees

Back to the Future - The Future of Landscape Appraisals

By: Joe Samnik

The new 10th Edition, Guide for Plant Appraisals, is currently in the review and comment phase. This long awaited publication (if not Holy Grail) could be available in 2013. Having reviewed the publication I can, at this time, state with some certainty that future depositions will become much shorter and the ranks of the new unqualified landscape appraisers will be filled in large part from the current ranks of the qualified. As a book review goes, I shall go no further until such time that the 10th Edition is playing in a theater near you.


7/20/2012· Meditation

Meditation, Hypnosis and Self-Hypnosis

By: Peter H. Dennis

These are all states of consciousness or awareness, as are the states of sleep and every-day, walking-around wakefulness. These three, however, share a number of similarities that sleep and wakefulness only display in certain instances, and usually not to the same extent:


10/10/2016· Banking

Strategic Planning: New Views of an Old Process

By: Catherine Ghiglieri

Strategic planning has always been an important function of the board of directors, but it takes on an even more critical role when under the regulatory microscope. The OCC announced that, for the remainder of 2016, it will continue to focus on strategic risk, as banks change their business models to adapt to innovative products and services.


7/23/2018· Transportation

Safety Compromises, Part 7: Stopping on the Wrong Side of the Intersection

By: Ned Einstein

For each route in each direction, transit stops are almost always located on one side of an intersection, not both. Stops just before the intersection are referred to as 'near-side' stops. Those just after the intersection are referred to as 'far-side' stops.


12/23/2020· Blockchain Information

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Tracing Disputes: Digital Forensics Evidential Standards

By: Dr. Stephen Castell

In a recent trial, in which I acted as an expert witness, some notable differences appeared to me to emerge, as between UK and USA judicial standards and practices, in regard to the role, obligations, testimony, presentation and rigor of digital forensics expert findings. 


11/14/2022· Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Oil & Gas Company Gets Second Chance at ERP Implementation

By: Panorama Consulting Group

Project Oversight Case Study: Oil & Gas: Upstream petroleum oil exploration and production company in the Middle East. Company operates several blocks, including one on the Arabian Sea, where crude oil, produced from this

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