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10/13/2014· Nursing

Geriatrics & Nursing Homes: Pressure Ulcers

By: Dr. Christopher Davey

To understand how a pressure ulcer is caused by the negligence of a nursing staff and a facility, it is first important to understand what a pressure ulcer is and what happens to the body to allow them to develop.


3/12/2003· Nursing

Using A Legal Nurse Consultant

By: Nicki Minlschmidt

Plenty! Like the experienced paralegals and legal secretaries successful attorneys rely on to allow them to focus their own efforts where the effect will be the greatest, Legal Nurse Consultants (LNCs) are another powerful weapon in the attorney's arsenal

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Brain Storms! Out of a Torrential...

by Shawn Regan, Eleanor S. Field, PhD

Deregulatory Takings and the...

by J. Gregory Sidak broker Movie Ad

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