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Graphics / Exhibits Expert Witnesses: 4
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Audio Video Forensics Expert Witness Bryan Neumeister
Bryan Neumeister
Certified Audio & Video Forensic Expert
30 Lee Gate Lane
Grosse Pointe Farms Michigan
phone: (833) 872-3672

USAForensic is a boutique state-of-the-art forensics company with full-time labs in Phoenix, Arizona and Detroit, Michigan. Our booking office is on the east coast. This helps with an earlier start each day and with overseas cases.
Specializing in forensic Audio, Video, Cell Phones, Computers Photography & ”Cell Tower tracking” debunking. USAForensic is court certified in Federal, US Military, US District, many State and county courts throughout the United States. International cases are not uncommon. Mr. Neumeister has worked in 23 countries over the past 40 years.
Clients range from the largest Law firms to private firms, large corporations, the Department of Defense, government agencies, advocacy groups, the DOJ to the innocence project.
Technology is flying past the court system. We’re here to work with attorneys to understand how to deal with digital or analog evidence, how to challenge it or how to get it admitted into evidence.
We prefer to work in the background assisting attorneys, even writing out Daubert 702 & 902 issues regarding other parties evidence submissions.
In a recent Federal Daubert hearing USAForensic worked with DOD JAG attorneys to get police cell tower tracking ruled inadmissible. The federal judge rule police cell tower tracking as “Garbage in, Garbage out”.
Not a verifiable science, not peer reviewed, no scientific white-paper to support its use.
Over 600 cases in the past 3 years. From the very highest profile to simple straightforward forensic cell phone extractions or video and audio clarification for court use.
To us Data is Data & takes no side, but it has to be verifiable data.
Document Examination Expert Mike Wakshull
Mike Wakshull
P.O. Box 892965
Temecula CA
phone: 951-252-4929
fax: 805-501-3388

Mike Wakshull is a civil and criminal court-qualified document examiner who partners with legal clients to dissect the evidence presented in handwritten and computer-generated questioned documents. His valid approach often produces winning arguments during the trial. Wakshull applies his scientific training to examine questioned documents which is a court requirement. He uses generally accepted practices such as SWGDOC and ANSI/ASB standards. His laboratory is well-equipped with high powered digital microscopes, VSC80, ESDA, high quality digital scanners, and software. He has built a large forensic reference library. Wakshull is skilled at creating and explaining complex exhibits in easy-to-understand language and pictures. His courtroom approach is to teach and engage the trial participants—opposing attorney, judge and jury.
Mike Wakshull holds a graduate school certificate in Forensic Document Examination. Since 2010 Mr. Wakshull has worked and studied in the science and discipline of Document Examination and Handwriting Analysis. He is one of only a handful of forensic document examiners with graduate school training in the science of forensic document examination. His opinion is always based on sound fundamentals of evidence. Mr. Wakshull has spoken at International and local conferences and seminars and also holds professional certifications that bring unique skills to your case. As a Certified Quality Engineer, Mr. Wakshull studied the science of variability and applied this to the analysis of handwriting and documents. As a Certified Information Systems Auditor, he applies his knowledge of information systems and technology to the analysis of documents.
Q9 Consulting, Inc. Has both an extensive research library and laboratory. Q9 Consulting, Inc. serves Southern California counties of Riverside, San Diego, Orange, San Bernardino, and surrounding regions. Mike has worked cases from 29 states and five countries. Work is accepted from all other locations.
Areas of Expertise:
Handwriting Document Examination Expert Witness August Meyer
August Meyer, QDE
4326 Gapsch Ln.
Saint Louis MO
phone: 702-712-2818

August Meyer, QDE is a court qualified Forensic Handwriting and Document Examiner. He has been trained in the examination of handwriting and documents to include simulated signatures, disguised writing, altered documents, ink and paper analysis, and anonymous and threatening notes.
Since 2014, Meyer has worked cases ranging from medical malpractice to title transfers. Through the National Gang Crime Research Center (NGCRC), he has approximately 175 hours of training and education in gang-related activity. In 2016 he was invited to be a guest presenter to the American Handwriting Analysis Foundation and gave a seminar covering gang culture, structure, and graffiti. In this presentation he showed how gang members will often work their symbols into their handwriting allowing an examiner to identify possible gang affiliations and rivalries from nothing more than handwriting.
Litigation Support - Meyer has worked cases across the country from Las Vegas to Indiana. He consults with attorneys to review opposing expert's reports on handwriting to identify and exploit weaknesses. He has successfully testified in court resulting in favorable resolutions for his clients.
Areas of Expertise:
Meyer participates in continuous training and annual proficiency testing from the Scientific Association of Forensic Examiners and the International Association of Document Examiners. Additionally, Meyer has published three articles in peer reviewed journals.
Construction Claims Experts Long International
Richard J. Long, P.E., P.Eng.
Corporate Headquarters:
10098 Whistling Elk Drive
Littleton CO
phone: (303) 972-2443
fax: (303) 200-7180

Florida Office:
Andrew Avalon, PE, PSP
Chairman & CEO
8633 Willow Kane Court
Orlando, FL 32835
T: (407) 445-0825 F: (407) 650-3399
Long International provides expert engineering and construction claims analysis, expert testimony, project management consulting, and insurance claims analysis services. We focus on projects in the following industries: building and construction; gas, gasification, GTL, LNG, and NGL; industrial and manufacturing; mineral and mineral processing; offshore oil and gas; oil sands; pipelines and utilities; power; refineries, petrochemical, and chemical; transportation; and water, wastewater, dams, and marine. We analyze claims, not limited to, disputed change orders, schedule delay, acceleration, time extensions, liquidated damages, loss of productivity, defective specifications, and deficient project management performance.
Richard J. Long, P.E., P.Eng., Founder of Long International, has over 50 years of U.S. and international consulting experience involving construction contract disputes analysis and resolution, arbitration/litigation support and expert testimony, project management, engineering/construction management, cost and schedule control, and process engineering. As an internationally recognized expert in the analysis and resolution of complex construction disputes for over 35 years, Mr. Long has served as the lead expert on over 300 projects having claims ranging in size from US$100,000 to over US$2 billion. He has presented and published numerous articles on claims analysis, entitlement issues, CPM schedule and damages analyses, cumulative impact claims, and claims prevention.
Rod C. Carter, CCP, PSP is President of Long International and has over 20 years of experience in construction project controls, contract disputes and resolution, negotiations, mediation, arbitration support, and expert testimony on scheduling, loss of productivity, and quantum issues. He has experience in entitlement, schedule, and damages analyses on over 30 construction disputes ranging in value from US$100,000 to US$7 billion, related to oil and gas, oil refinery, LNG, heavy civil, nuclear, environmental, chemical, power, industrial, commercial, and residential construction projects. Mr. Carter specializes in loss of productivity, cumulative impact, and quantum calculations, and had a lead role in assessing damages on more than a dozen major disputes. In addition, Mr. Carter has developed cost and schedule risk analysis models using Monte Carlo simulations to address the uncertainty of estimates and claims.
Scott M. Francis, P.E., PSP is a Vice President of Long International and has over 20 years of experience in project management, contract disputes analysis and resolution, CPM schedule preparation, execution, and analysis, productivity analysis, contract administration, design engineering, construction management, and government contracting. He provides schedule development and assurance services, cost estimating, and claims analysis services on projects for both owners and contractors. Specific responsibilities include CPM development and reviews, CPM schedule delay and acceleration analyses, change order impact analysis, issue identification, correlation of impacts to schedule activities, and productivity evaluations.
Featured resources
by James M. Dorsey, PhD
by Bill Mohlenbrock MD
by Ray S. Kim, PhD