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2/11/2022· Healthcare Facilities - Hospitals

Determining Usual, Customary, And Reasonable Charges For Healthcare Services

By: Research and Planning Consultants

This paper identifies and discusses industry standards for what charge percentile threshold state laws and private health plans consider reasonable to determine allowable amounts for payment. The term &"allowable amount"; refers to the total amount a regulation or private health plan determines a provider should be paid. It is the sum of the payment responsibilities of the plan and the patient.


3/18/2021· Healthcare Facilities - Hospitals

Anatomy Of A Hospital Flex Budget Report

By: Sahel Shwayhat, MBA, FACHE

What does a Flex report tell us? The two right most columns are the crux of the Flex report. One column shows how a department performed against a static budget (developed months earlier with certain assumptions in mind), and the other column shows how a department performed against a newly "flexed" budget, that took product volume and mix into consideration.


10/26/2020· Healthcare Facilities - Hospitals

Flex Budgets: A Quick Guide For Hospitals

By: Sahel Shwayhat, MBA, FACHE

Hospitals, like most businesses, have budgets. While they all track their performance closely against that budget at the organizational level, many fail to do so with the same rigor at the cost center level, mainly due to lack of dependable reports. In this article, I will explain what flex budgeting is, how it is calculated, and why using it helps the organization.


9/24/2020· Healthcare Facilities - Hospitals

Hospital Cost Accounting: Million Dollar Decisions Should Not Be Based on “Guesstimates”

By: Sahel Shwayhat, MBA, FACHE

All well-run businesses use data to drive their decisions. The higher the stakes, the more accuracy they demand from their data. Hospitals are businesses, even not-for-profit ones, and should conduct their operations like any other business. The area where hospitals lag far behind other businesses is in cost accounting.


10/25/2013· Healthcare Facilities - Hospitals

A Better Response to Clinical Errors

By: Paul B. Hofmann, DrPH, FACHE

In 1989, I agreed for the first time to serve as an expert witness in a case brought by the family of a terminally ill pregnant patient who had a cesarean section performed against her will in a prominent university teaching hospital. Since then, whether retained as a plaintiff or defense expert, I have been surprised and disturbed by the number and types of cases in which hospitals and other health care facilities have been sued.


5/11/2011· Business Management

Increasing Profits By Doing Less

By: William A. Lybarger

What is the fastest way to increase profits? Stop doing things that don't make a profit! Could increased net profit, increased return on investment and improved cash flow be that easy? The answer is yes.


3/30/2004· Professional Malpractice

Management Mistakes in Healthcare: A Disturbing Silence

By: Paul B. Hofmann, Dr PH, FACHE

The belated but formal acknowledgement of medical errors and their impact has been well documented.1 Curiously, the topic of management or executive mistakes in healthcare is not raised in professional meetings nor, until recently, addressed by an article in health administration journals

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Pediatric Cardiology Board Review

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