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The Collapsed As-Built Windows Schedule Analysis Method

By: Long International, Inc. - Andrew Avalon, P.E., PSP and Ronald J. Rider, MBA
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The Collapsed As-Built Windows Schedule Analysis (AACE® International Recommended Practice 29R-03, Method Implementation Protocol 3.9) is a modeled, subtractive, multiple-base method. It is a retrospective CPM schedule analysis which is typically used to prove entitlement for compensable delay and assess concurrency of delay within a window of time. The analysis simulates the as-built conditions within a schedule window and then delays are removed from the CPM model. If the forecasted project finish date "collapses" but-for or absent compensable delays, then entitlement for compensable time-related costs can be demonstrated. This article addresses the usage of the Collapsed As-Built Windows protocol and the advantages and disadvantages of the methodology.


It is common that an unanticipated event or issue may cause delay and extend the overall completion of a project. It is also common that project stakeholders may dispute the responsibility for a project issue that caused delay and extended the overall completion of a project. A project issue can become contested, cause multiple delays, affect several areas of a project, occur at different points in time, and become intertwined with non-contested issues. To achieve an equitable resolution of a contested project issue that caused delay, it is imperative for an analyst to answer the following basic questions:

  • Who caused the delay?
  • Why did the delay occur?
  • What impact did the delay cause?
  • Where did the delay occur?
  • When did the delay occur?

On large and complex projects, the process of evaluating delay issues is further complicated when the schedule file is comprised of numerous process areas/units, thousands of activities with activity groups spanning many months or years, and multiple critical and near-critical paths. One retrospective forensic schedule analysis that can be used to evaluate concurrency and quantify compensable delay is the Collapsed As-Built schedule analysis method applied on a windows basis (AACE® International Recommended Practice 29R-03, MIP 3.9).


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