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2/3/2011· Security

Architectural Security: Integrating Security With Design

By: Randall Atlas, PhD, AIA, CPP

The "form follows function" tenet of 20th century architecture holds that the specific functional requirements of a building should determine design criteria.


2/18/2005· Finance

Aristocracizing America

By: Herbert B. Siegel, PhD

Beginning with The Bank Holding Act of 1956 that exempted Industrial Loan Companies from federal banking regulations except for keeping them eligible for government- sponsored FDIC insurance, these secondary lenders were a valuable source of high interest loans to a public segment otherwise unbankable. A financial stranglehold has proliferated on all citizens, however, because of misusing an otherwise well conceived statute


5/30/2021· Expert Witnessing

As An Expert Witness, Avoid Implicating In Hypothetical Examples

By: Beth Mohr, CFE, CAMS, CCCI

Certified Fraud Examiners build solid careers by considering all potential legal pitfalls, anticipating problems and taking opportunities to educate others about CFEs’ roles and responsibilities. For example, were precluded from opining about the legal guilt or innocence of any party in any of our cases…


12/28/2019· Construction

As-Built But-For Schedule Delay Analysis

By: Long International

An As-Built But-For Schedule Delay Analysis (ABBF) is a retrospective CPM schedule delay analysis technique that determines the earliest date that the required mechanical completion activity, project completion activity, or various milestone activities could have been achieved but-for the owner-caused compensable delays that occurred during the project.


11/25/2020· Refrigeration - Cooling Systems

ASME B31.5 Piping Stress Analysis In Refrigeration Systems

By: James Caylor, PE

Refrigeration system designers and users incur regulatory liability from their design documents’ claims of B31.5 compliance when these are based on only partial knowledge of its requirements. This article will clarify these requirements, suggest current and legacy resources for accomplishing the calculations and hopefully promote a greater overall familiarity with B31.5.


11/6/2018· Power Supplies

Aspects of Lithium Ion Batteries

By: Chet Sandberg

The 18650 cell has become the workhorse of the lithium ion battery industry and is a good candidate for analysis of most lithium ion batteries properties. Tesla automobiles, laptop computers, e-cigarettes, scooters, and grid energy storage all use the 18650. The 18650 cell is a leader in cost reduction, stored energy has been continually increasing and over 2 billion cells were manufactured in 2016. Lithium ion cells are truly a marvel of chemistry and electrical engineering.


5/28/2013· Construction

Assessing Damages Arising From Construction Defects

By: Dr. Stanley Stephenson

Defects that were introduced during construction can lead to classic legal disputes between owners and contractors where considerable sums of money are involved.


12/28/2017· Economics

Assessing Economic Damages in Wrongful Termination Cases

By: Stanley P. Stephenson

This paper presents a method for measuring economic damages in wrongful termination cases. Such cases present the damages expert with a problem since the available studies of earnings recovery after a job loss are based on a limited time period after a job loss and many workers never catch-up to the previous earnings level. A two-step approach is offered. First, the expert uses appropriate available empirical evidence to develop a typical earnings catch-up period. Second, the expert gathers information about case factors affecting the duration of the period to earnings catch-up. Using these factors, the expert modifies the base time period to develop a reasonable range of years for earnings catch-up. The ultimate choice of lost earnings is left for the court to decide, given the range presented by the expert. Cases directly or indirectly supporting this method are presented.


12/16/2016· Neuropsychology

Assessing Neuro-Cognitive Complaints After Brain Injury: Distinguishing Fact from Fiction in Civil and Criminal Litigation

By: Dr. David Pingitore

Plaintiffs and other petitioners often sue for damages due to reported cognitive or emotional impairment. These impairments are often said to be the result of traumatic brain injury suffered in accidents or toxic exposures or due to medical procedures. Such impairments can often be subtle, not easily understood by nonprofessionals, but still claimed to have changed a person's life.


8/6/2021· Marine - Maritime

Assessing The Effectiveness Of The International Safety Management (ISM) Code In Developing A Safety Culture

By: George Zeitler

The adoption of the International Safety Management Code by the International Maritime Organization as a means to promote a change in maritime industry’s attitude towards safe operating practices has been well documented. The code placed a strong level of responsibility on the ship owner or operator to conduct a self-assessment of their policies and practices in order to develop and implement a safety management

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