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11/25/2020· Refrigeration - Cooling Systems

ASME B31.5 Piping Stress Analysis In Refrigeration Systems

By: James Caylor, PE

Refrigeration system designers and users incur regulatory liability from their design documents’ claims of B31.5 compliance when these are based on only partial knowledge of its requirements. This article will clarify these requirements, suggest current and legacy resources for accomplishing the calculations and hopefully promote a greater overall familiarity with B31.5.


10/7/2020· Refrigeration - Cooling Systems

Evaporator Leak Mitigation By Suction Control Valve Selection And Operation

By: James Caylor, PE

Evaporator leaks expose plant personnel to risk of ammonia contact and require maintenance intervention since refrigeration control valves used for inlet flows (liquid and hot gas) can automatically stop flow, but similar valves used for outlet flows (suction and refrigerant defrost condensate) cannot stop flow backwards from the suction line into a damaged evaporator and thus into the conditioned space.

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