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7/5/2022· Construction

Assessment Of Problems Associated With Poor Project Management Performance

By: Long International

The purpose of this paper is to provide an explanation of the methodology and resources that Long International uses to arrive at its opinions on allocation of the responsibility for various problems, and the impact of those opinions on the parties’ entitlement to damages or extensions of the time of performance allowed under a Contract.


7/24/2012· Child Welfare

Asylum Seeking Children - Including Adolescent Development and The Assessment Of Age

By: Diana Birch, MD

Children suffer the traumas and injustices of warfare and conflict without the ability to influence or control their circumstances. As refugees they become the flotsam of society drifting from one inhospitable country to another in search of safety. They have been with us for generations, their numbers fluctuating and their distribution changing as the adult world decides who to wage war on next.


10/5/2019· Damages

Attaining Reasonable Certainty in Economic Damages (Part I of III)

By: Michael Pakter

The AICPA has issued two practice aids, one on 2015 and most recently in November 2018, focused on the calculation of economic profits and damages. The purpose of this article—the first of three on this topic—is to provide the reader with an understanding of Chapter 1...


12/27/2019· Damages

Attaining Reasonable Certainty in Economic Damages (Part II of III)

By: Michael Pakter

The purpose of this article—the second of three on this topic—is to provide the reader with an understanding of Chapter 2 (Costs) of the 2018 Practice Aid as well as certain other publications containing a body of knowledge on the best practices for developing “avoided or saved costs,” sometimes referred to by the courts as incremental costs.


11/25/2020· Damages

Attaining Reasonable Certainty in Economic Damages: What Constitutes Best Evidence (Part III of III)

By: Michael Pakter

The purpose of this article - the third of three (Part I and Part II) on this topic - is to provide the reader with an understanding Chapter 3 (What Constitutes Best Evidence) of the 2018 Practice Aid as well as certain other publications containing a body of knowledge on the best evidence to support economic damages in a court of law


2/16/2018· Attorney Fees

Attorney Billing: What Are the Options?

By: Darryl Horowitt

Much has been discussed in the media regarding the fees lawyers charge. Some believe that they are excessive while others believe that due to their education and expertise, high rates are expected. What is not discussed, however, are the various methods lawyers use to determine how they will charge and what they will charge. This article will discuss the various billing practices that are available to you, the legal consumer.


8/26/2015· Audio Forensics

Audio Forensic Analysis: What Happens In Jail, Stays In Jail... Or Does It?

By: David Smith

A confrontation between an inmate and a Corrections Officer leads to accusations of mistreatment on one side and claims of justifiable action on the other. It was one person's word against another until an unexpected recording came to light and, with the help of sophisticated audio forensic analysis and processing, the truth was revealed.


2/15/2016· Audio Forensics

Audio Forensics: What We Hear v. What We Record

By: David Smith

In Audio Forensics, it often comes down to ears versus microphones. In one corner, we have the human ear with all its amazing capabilities. In the other corner, the fantastic piece of technology known as the microphone, with its ability to record sound to a digital file or tape for later playback.


1/14/2013· Audio Forensics

Audio Restoration vs. Audio Forensics

By: David Smith

You have an audio recording that may be used as evidence in an upcoming court case. Looking for a way to make it easier to hear, you do an on-line search and come upon a list of "Audio Restoration companies." The ads state that these sites can lower or eliminate noise and restore recordings to their original quality.


1/27/2017· Documentation Examination & Analysis

Authenticity of Questioned Signature on Life Insurance After Brain Surgery

By: Mike Wakshull

The decedent signed a life insurance beneficiary form a few weeks after having brain surgery. The plaintiff claimed the signature was not executed by the decedent. The defense claimed that the decedent had signed the document and the differences are attributed to the effects of brain surgery.

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