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11/3/2004· Medicine


By: Dr. Sat Sharma and Nicholas Anthonisen

After 60 years of availability of antibiotics, surprisingly little is known about their role in obstructive airway diseases. Areview of antibiotic therapy will necessarily involve a discussion of the role of bacterial infection in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease


5/25/2009· Human Factors

Application of Human Factors Engineering in Medical Product Design

By: Andrew Le Cocq

Advancements in medical instrumentation are often judged on technical factors such as increased accuracy or increased capabilities without regard to the operator, or to the degree of knowledge or training required to make the instrument perform all of the advanced functions for which it was designed. Because patient safety and efficient use of an instrument are ultimately determined by the operator, it is imperative that medical instruments be designed not only with capability and functionality in mind


1/10/2019· Engineering

Applications of SolidWorks Flow Simulation Computational Fluid Dynamics Software to the Investigation of Fires

By: John Holecek

NFPA 921 advises the use of a systematic approach to fire investigation that is best embodied by the scientific method. The scientific method includes the steps of collecting data, analyzing that data, developing a hypothesis, and then testing that hypothesis. The final step of this process, testing the hypothesis, can be done either physically or analytically. In some cases, a physical test may be conducted to confirm or falsify some aspect of the hypothesis. However, in many cases creating a physical test may be difficult or even practically impossible. It is these cases, and others, where analytic testing using computer simulations may be helpful to the fire investigator.


6/21/2021· Linguistics

Applied Linguistics: Everyone Knows What "Steal" Means, Right?! Sting Operation

By: Dr. Margaret M. van Naerssen

This is a summary report on a sting operation case I worked on as an applied linguist. In it the target was a non-native English speaker with a beginner level of English proficiency. The sting setting was a discount store. The undercover officer attempted to persuade a store employee to buy jugs of alleged stolen liquid detergent for sale in the store.


12/9/2015· Intellectual Property

Apportioning Copyright Damages: The Case of 'Blurred Lines'

By: Doug Bania

Most of the existing literature on copyright infringement is concerned with the valuation of intellectual property rather than the apportionment of the value that is directly attributable to the intellectual property asset at issue. Further, few of the currently proposed IP valuation methods and little of the literature addressing the determination of damages appears directly applicable to the case of copyright in the context of artistic productions. Within the creative arts, recorded music offers a particularly complex and interesting case within which to explore this issue, as different portions of the relevant copyright to the recorded song may be held by different persons.


3/11/2024· Construction

Apportionment Of Indirect Costs To Significant Change Events

By: Long International

This article discusses the methods, concerns, and considerations for apportioning indirect costs in a dispute setting where the apportionment of indirect costs is necessary and when detailed actual indirect costs or indirect labor hour data assigned specifically to the underlying change that is being analyzed does not exist in the contemporaneous project records.


9/9/2014· Plants & Trees

Appraising Trees and Plants: A Matter of Emphasis

By: Joe Samnik

A couple of decades ago I hung a picture on my office wall. I hung it there at the beginning of my career in appraising trees and plants. The caption under the picture reads, "Do you want your assessment to show how much your tree is worth, or how little it is worth - it's a matter of emphasis". Setting aside the naïveté of the statement, the question remains the matter of emphasis in the approach used to valuation - and the ethical repercussions which ensue.


3/13/2020· Product Liability

Approaching Product Liability as an Expert Witness

By: Meyer Rosen

The successful attorney-chemical expert “dyad” is, in my opinion, critically dependent on creating a trusting, workable, two-way communication. The expert must be able to educate the attorney in the complexities of the subject case, so that the attorney is comfortable in mediation or court procedures.


10/28/2014· Aquatics Safety

Aquatics Safety: In the Rhythm of Saving Lives

By: Gerald Dworkin

On July 13, 2004, a 55-year-old man collapsed in the Medina (Ohio) Aquatic and Fitness Center. The aquatic manager for the city, Darlene Donkin, responded and assessed him to be in cardiac arrest. Although Donkin was a CPR instructor and taught more than 100 classes on the subject, she had never actually performed it in a life-and-death situation prior to this incident.


1/10/2021· Insurance

Arbitration and Insurance Litigation: Beware of Retrospective Premium Adjustments

By: Jane Downey, M.Ed, ARM

I have been retained as an Insurance Expert or Insurance Arbitrator to confirm the proper calculation of insurance premiums, based on actual exposures, completed by the insurer at audit. In the first case, a large Hotel bought out their partner and inherited a large Wrap-Up Program of Insurance.

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