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10/15/2014· Professional Malpractice

Technical Aspects Of Professional Liability Claims

By: Frederick Fisher, JD, CCP

Professional liability claim management is a unique area of insurance claim responsibilities. Indeed, there are as many ways to supervise, manage, and investigate professional liability claims as there are different lines of professional liability coverage. This article will address the key issues that are involved in the investigation and resolution of nonmedical and non-D&O claims under professional liability policies.


5/6/2021· Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Technology Assessment: City Finds Opportunities For System Integration And Modernization

By: Panorama Consulting Group

The city had been using a decades-old ERP solution and had not evaluated their business processes at any point during that time. Not only was the current ERP system not the best fit for their municipality, but the city was spending an inordinate amount of money on maintenance costs for customization and did not take advantage of instituting best practices or current technology.


9/28/2012· Child Welfare

Teenage Belief Systems About Sexual Health

By: Diana Birch, MD

A belief is a conviction adhered to often in the face of factual evidence to the contrary. This paper inevitably represents my beliefs moulded by my experience of working with teenagers in London and tempered by my knowledge of the work of my colleagues.


8/26/2021· Telecommunication

Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) - Facebook v Duguid: It Ain't Over

By: Ray Horak

Not particularly surprising to those of us who work in the TCPA domain or are impacted by it, the published articles, blogs and such are mostly, if not all, written by attorneys in the defendants’ bar. I reckon those in the plaintiffs’ bar like to keep their opinions, musings and strategies to themselves until the litigation process begins. I provided some TCPA background and context in a previous article, TCPA: Facebook v Duguid, but will repeat some of that here to refresh your memory.


6/18/2021· Telecommunication

Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) - Facebook v Duguid: Punctuation Matters

By: Ray Horak

The decision of the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) in the matter of Facebook v Duguid has been perhaps the single most anticipated in the realm of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), at least in the last decade or so, and all over a punctuation mark - a comma, to be exact.


10/25/2021· Telecommunication

Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) Compliance In The Wake Of Facebook v Duguid

By: Ray Horak

In the context of the Facebook v Duguid decision, considering all the issues it addressed and didn’t, clarified and confused, honest and conscientious actors have to be freshly concerned about TCPA compliance. That means checking all the boxes, doubling down on all the right things, and identifying and plugging all the holes in your call center operations.


9/21/2019· Telecommunication

Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) Compliance: A Checklist

By: Ray Horak

The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) was passed into law in 1991. At the time, consumers were plagued by sales calls which it seemed always came at the most inconvenient times...In an effort to address a growing number of telephone marketing calls and certain other telemarketing practices...


6/20/2012· Automotive - Vehicular

Ten Most Stupid Things about Buses and Motorcoaches and their Operations

By: Ned Einstein

One of the unfortunate problems with non-news-oriented magazines is the juxtaposition of their readers' limited long-term memories coupled with the publishers' reluctance to repeat themes (much less whole articles) that are not linked to stories that reflect continuing news or problems.


7/8/2007· Marketing

Ten Tips for Search Engine Optimization Copywriting

By: Howard Irizarry

Keep your target audience in mind AT ALL TIMES and write your content for their wants and needs. Make sure to give them the information on who, what, where, when, why and how


6/6/2017· Real Estate

Tenancy-In-Common: An Old Dog Learns New Tricks

By: Lawrence Jacobson

The tenancy-in-common (TIC) has survived into modern times as a method of concurrent ownership of real property. In a TIC, each owner is referred to as a tenant-in-common, and each owns a fractional interest of real property under a separate distinct title.1 TIC's are common where the co-owners are not married or have contributed different amounts to the acquisition of a property.2 Insofar as each tenant-in-common owns an undivided interest in the entire property, each is entitled to an undivided interest in the revenues from the property, subject to the rights of the other co-tenants.

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