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5/7/2013· Cosmetology: Hair / Makeup

Strand/Preview Testing and Patch/Predisposition Testing

By: Susan Maccoy

Strand/preview testing of hair allows the professional stylist to observe and accurately determine:


10/10/2016· Banking

Strategic Planning: New Views of an Old Process

By: Catherine Ghiglieri

Strategic planning has always been an important function of the board of directors, but it takes on an even more critical role when under the regulatory microscope. The OCC announced that, for the remainder of 2016, it will continue to focus on strategic risk, as banks change their business models to adapt to innovative products and services.


2/27/2013· Banking

Strategic Risk: What the Board of Directors Should Know About It and What They Should Do About It

By: Catherine Ghiglieri

Strategic risk is currently a focus of regulatory scrutiny and the board of directors should understand what it is and how to manage it. Strategic risk is the risk to a bank's earnings and capital from making poor business decisions, from not implementing business decisions properly, or from failing to respond to industry changes.


11/20/2015· Legal Issues

Subpoenas: What They Are And How To Respond To Them

By: Darryl Horowitt

Every day, in almost every city, and in almost every state, a business is served with a subpena. Your business may have received one in the past or may receive one soon. For those who are not regular participants in lawsuits, subpoenas are a mysterious document which you should know about.


4/14/2011· Jails - Prisons - Correctional Facilities

Suicides In A State Correctional System, 1992 - 2002: A Review

By: Anasseril E. Daniel

The authors reviewed all suicides between 1992 and 2002 in a statewide correctional system. Thirty-seven inmates committed suicide in various prisons during this period.


4/3/2009· Jails - Prisons - Correctional Facilities

Suicides Within The Juvenile Justice System: The Need for Administrative Oversight

By: Dr. Alvin W. Cohn

Suicides among youths in the United States is a national tragedy. A successful suicide by an adolescent within the juvenile justice system is both preventable and unconscionable and tends to occur as a consequence of poor or inappropriate staffing, inadequate training, and/or the lack of policy and procedure enforcement


11/13/2019· Emergency Medicine

Supervising Midlevel Providers in Emergency Departments

By: Dr. Sajid Khan

Managing the Emergency Department is a team sport. That means sharing information with one another, trusting your teammates to perform to the best of their ability, and working together towards a common goal. To that end, one responsibility of [most] ED physicians is supervising mid-level providers.


5/16/2017· Education & Schools

Supreme Court Opinion Regarding Autism Spectrum Disorder and Student Progress

By: Dr. Steven Imber

On March 22 the U.S. Supreme Court issued an 8-0 opinion in the case Endrew F. v. Douglas County School District, ruling in favor of the parents of a student with autism spectrum disorder who had charged that the district did not meet the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA. The parents argued that their child did not receive a free, appropriate public education (FAPE) that was mandated by Congress.


2/16/2009· Boating

Surface-Piercing Propellers

By: Paul Kamen

The art of positioning a propeller underneath a boat hull is not a new one. Designers and naval architects have been grappling with every aspect of the propulsion-by-propeller problem for generations, and the result has been the evolution of a well known set of standard and efficient solutions


8/7/2009· Market Research

Survey Research to Support Litigation

By: Dr. Larry Chiagouris

Survey research is used to provide greater levels of understanding in a wide variety of disputes. Issues such as consumer confusion, misleading advertising claims, disparagement, copyright infringement and trademark disputes can be better assessed as a result of developing and executing survey research. The purpose of this monograph is to aid attorneys in understanding what research standards and guidelines might be relied upon in their use of survey research.

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