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8/26/2009· Warnings & Labels

The Age of Our Warnings Contempt: Forbidden Fruit Theory

By: Dr. Gerald Goldhaber

The Goldhaber Warnings Report: This past weekend as Hurricane Bill brushed past the Eastern Coast Line of the United States, bringing dangerous riptides to our shores, police and lifeguards posted explicit warning signs (reinforced by nonstop media coverage about the dangers of these riptides) closing beaches from North Carolina throughout New Jersey, New York and New England. Despite this barrage of warning and safety information, who can forget the televised images of the hundreds of apparent daredevils, mostly young men, ignoring the warnings and entering the beaches to look at the waves, and even swim or surf in the turbulent waters!


4/10/2018· Logistics - Reverse Logistics

The Amazon Effect and the Global Supply Chain

By: Rosemary Coates

Have you been keeping up with the “Amazon Effect” on supply chains? This effect is defined as the impact the digital marketplace has on the traditional business model in retail. But for supply chain professionals, it is so much more.


11/9/2016· Transportation

The Arrival of Self Driving Cars in the Mix of Traffic

By: Richard Beaubien

As traffic engineers we take care to plan, design, and operate our roads for all users. When we are working in a complex urban environment, we must consider pedestrians, wheelchairs, vision impaired, bicycles, buses, and trucks. When we add automated, connected, and self-driving vehicles to the mix the complexity becomes more complex. That is why the profession is challenging and interesting.


11/9/2017· Mediation

The Benefits of Mediation

By: Darryl Horowitt

As litigation becomes more expensive, clients look to more cost-effective means of resolving their disputes. This requires an evaluation of alternative dispute resolution, otherwise known as ADR. Alternative dispute resolution includes non-court alternatives such as negotiations, mediations, arbitrations, mini trials, and early neutral evaluation. Courts have recognized the benefits of ADR in virtually every court in the state. The federal courts have also adopted ADR programs.


10/8/2009· Computers

The Benefits of ODR in Complex Software Contract Disputes

By: Dr. Stephen Castell

Software implementation contracts are frequently terminated with the software rejected amidst allegations from both supplier and customer, e.g. software/database errors/deficiencies, faulty design, shifting user/business requirements. An important technical issue on which the IT Expert appointed in such disputes is asked to give an expert opinion is: what was the quality of the delivered software and was it fit for purpose?


11/25/2009· Accounting

The Bias in Annual (Versus Monthly) Discounting is Immaterial

By: Jay Abrams, ASA, CPA, MBA

This article presents a discussion of the validity of using the mid-year convention from a different point of view than the March 2002 BVR article by Michael Dobner.


2/11/2013· Crisis Management

The Blacksmith, the Nail, the Horse and Disaster Prevention

By: Luiz Hargreaves

The proverb above has received different versions, including this one credited to Benjamin Franklin. A kingdom lost because of a nail. We could also say, a disaster caused by a simple problem that could have been avoided.


8/17/2023· Documentation Examination & Analysis

The Care And Preservation Of Documents

By: Katherine Koppenhaver, CDQE

Documents are fragile and require special handling. Not only must documents be kept in their original condition, but a chain of custody must be maintained to ensure the integrity of the documents. If everyone takes the necessary precautions to ensure the integrity of the documents, evidence will be properly preserved for court proceedings.


2/10/2009· Bacteria - Fungus - Mold Investigation

The Clostridium difficile Epidemic: A Potential Disaster for Long-Term Care

By: Dr. Mary C. Vrtis

Clostridium difficile (C. difficile), an anaerobic, spore-forming, gram-positive bacteria, has emerged in recent years as a serious health threat in the United States. Although the organism has been known to cause disease for at least 30 years,1 recent mutations have resulted in healthcare–acquired epidemic outbreaks in the United States,2-5 Canada,6,7 Europe8,9 and Japan.10 Genetic fingerprinting has identified a number of strains in clonal outbreaks, and several of these strains are cause for great concern


8/2/2017· Construction

The Collapsed As-Built Windows Schedule Analysis Method

By: Long International

The Collapsed As-Built Windows Schedule Analysis (AACE® International Recommended Practice 29R-03, Method Implementation Protocol 3.9) is a modeled, subtractive, multiple-base method. It is a retrospective CPM schedule analysis which is typically used to prove entitlement for compensable delay and assess concurrency of delay within a window of time. The analysis simulates the as-built conditions within a schedule window and then delays are removed from the CPM model. If the forecasted project finish date “collapses” but-for or absent compensable delays, then entitlement for compensable time-related costs can be demonstrated. This article addresses the usage of the Collapsed As-Built Windows protocol and the advantages and disadvantages of the methodology.

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