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9/28/2012· Child Welfare

Teenage Belief Systems About Sexual Health

By: Diana Birch, MD

A belief is a conviction adhered to often in the face of factual evidence to the contrary. This paper inevitably represents my beliefs moulded by my experience of working with teenagers in London and tempered by my knowledge of the work of my colleagues.


7/24/2012· Child Welfare

Asylum Seeking Children - Including Adolescent Development and The Assessment Of Age

By: Diana Birch, MD

Children suffer the traumas and injustices of warfare and conflict without the ability to influence or control their circumstances. As refugees they become the flotsam of society drifting from one inhospitable country to another in search of safety. They have been with us for generations, their numbers fluctuating and their distribution changing as the adult world decides who to wage war on next.

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