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3/14/2016· Engineering

Reflecting on Engineering Practice

By: Richard Beaubien

When I was a boy, playing in the sandbox or building with blocks, I dreamed of building cities. I feel fortunate to be in a profession which allows me to fulfill that dream. To enjoy your job is a more important measure of success than the amount of money in your bank account. My favorite definition of success is borrowed from Ann Landers:


7/25/2012· Appraisal & Valuation

Regression Analysis in the Market Approach: Using the Gordon Model as a Guide to Selection of Independent Variables

By: Jay Abrams

Regression analysis is a statistical technique to measure the mathematical relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. In the context of the Market Approach in business valuation, the dependent variable is usually some variation of Fair Market Value (FMV), i.e., market capitalization in the Guideline Public Company method, selling price (IBA), or MVIC (Market Value of Invested Capital, Pratt's Stats).


10/15/2012· Meditation

Regression Therapy in Hypnosis

By: Peter H. Dennis

It is common in hypnotherapy to have a client tell you that he or she just feels stuck. They explain that they are not motivated to do anything, they don't complete tasks, and they procrastinate all the time


8/17/2023· Construction

Renovate Or Build- An Extremely Expensive Question

By: Sanford C. Loy

One would think today’s advanced construction processes, new and more efficient and innovative building materials combined with universal dimensional changes in design standards etc. would mean the cost of new construction would increasingly trend toward being less expensive than the cost of renovating.


8/10/2012· Child Witch Phenomenon

Report on Accusations of Witchcraft Against Children in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

By: Gary Foxcroft

This report has been prepared by the UK-based charity, Stepping Stones Nigeria in collaboration with those of our Nigerian partner organisations who specifically work on the issue of witchcraft accusations against children: Child Rights and Rehabilitation Network (CRARN), Stepping Stones Nigeria Child Empowerment Foundation (SSNCEF) and Centre for Environment, Human Rights and Development (CEHRD).


2/27/2014· Accident Prevention & Safety

Rescue From Submerged Vehicles

By: Gerald Dworkin

Based on a 1961 study at Williamston, MI, conducted by the Michigan State Police, the Indiana University Health and Safety Department, the Michigan Highway Department, and the American Red Cross, it was estimated that approximately 400 persons lose their lives as a result of being trapped in automobiles that have plunged into the water.


10/2/2019· Hotels & Hospitality

Residential Seating is Not Safe Enough for Commercial or Hospitality Use

By: Leonard Backer

Many restaurants, independent hotels and timeshare resorts have much tighter budgets these days when it comes to purchasing seating for their properties. At the same time, there seem to be many “attractive” options available for their chairs, barstools and benches...


12/29/2022· Environment

Residential Soil Vapor Intrusion: An Independent Evaluation

By: Timothy Minnich, MS, QEP

The contaminated groundwater is attributable to past disposal practices of the nearby former Bay Shore/Brightwaters manufactured gas plant (MGP) currently being remediated by National Grid (formerly KeySpan). Injection of oxygen (O2) into the contaminated groundwater


11/8/2018· Finance

Respect Your Survivors By Creating a Will

By: Marguerita Cheng

Iconic singer Aretha Franklin had it all: respect, talent, fame and fortune, but what she didn't have was a prepared estate. Reports indicate that the Queen of Soul didn't have a will or trust set up before her death from cancer in August. Now her fortune might be in limbo for her survivors.


6/9/2017· Police Practices & Procedures

Responses to Psycho-Medical Emergencies

By: Dr. Ron Martinelli

On a hot July day, fire and police are called to the home of a 55 year old man suffering from heat stroke. Police arrive first and find the man sitting on a bench in his front yard. When the officers approach the man and ask him to give them his cane, he becomes agitated and non-compliant. One officer suddenly grabs the cane away from the man, who screams and suddenly stands up. The man is tased, taken to the ground, beaten and handcuffed. He is transported to the hospital where ER physicians confirm a diagnosis of heat stroke. The man has no criminal history. He sustains numerous moderate injuries which keep him from returning to work for several weeks. The officers and agency are sued and settle out of court.

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Dr. J.P
Dr. J.P Purswell, PhD, PE, CPE

Ergonomic & Safety Consultant

Purswell & Purswell

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Aaron T. Olson

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A.T. Olson Consulting, LLC

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