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8/19/2020· Radiology

Radiology Volumes Are Different From What Finance Is Reporting. Why Does That Keep Happening?

By: Sahel Shwayhat, MBA, FACHE

Many of us who have worked in hospitals have been there; you are in a meeting with Finance, and their handouts have what is supposed to be Radiology volumes, but they are different from what Radiology’s internal reports show. So, whose numbers are right?


7/14/2009· Human Factors

Reaction Time

By: Kristopher J. Seluga, PE

When a person becomes aware of a dangerous situation, a time-interval must elapse before he can take defensive action against it. This time interval, commonly called the reaction time, has been found to be about 0.7 second for all normal persons, regardless of their background and training. This suggests that the reaction time depends on some basic aspect of the human physiology-involving the brain, nervous system, and muscles-which does not vary much from person to person.


4/25/2019· Emergency Medicine

Ready for the Measles' Comeback?

By: Dr. Sajid Khan

As disease patterns evolve, so too must we. Being aware of emerging illnesses and remaining diligent in identifying their presence ensures a safe environment for the patient and the community. Measles is a highly contagious and potentially lethal viral infectious disease.


11/12/2018· Accident Investigation & Reconstruction

Ready, Set, Fly! - Understanding Another Technology for Forensic Investigations

By: Thomas J. Kelly

This is the first blog in a series on integrating new technologies into the process of forensic investigations. Documenting the scene of an incident accurately, efficiently, and safely is a key step in every investigation. Busy roadways and unstable structures present hazards to the investigator during the investigation process. The use of remote sensors can reduce these risks and provide data that otherwise could not safely be obtained.


6/8/2006· Real Estate

Real Estate In Costa Rica

By: Lic. Gonzalo Viquez Carazo Jr

Why should you invest in Costa Rica by purchasing a piece of property or develop your own real state project? The answer to this question my vary in accordance to each specific case, nevertheless many if not all aspects that motivates your decision are basic; Costa Rica is a small country full of wonders around each corner


8/4/2004· Computers

Recognizing Early The Signature Of Dispro - The IT Disaster Project

By: Dr. Stephen Castell

I spent much of a whole year recently investigating why a major IT outsourcing deal broke down, and had given rise to the largest software contract dispute yet seen in the English High Court


5/11/2012· Forensics

Recommendations from the National Academy of Sciences Regarding the Forensic Discipline of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis

By: Jeff Saviano

Most of us are familiar with the recent report from the National Academy of Sciences regarding the current state of forensic science. The section of the 254-page report that addresses the forensic discipline of bloodstain pattern analysis comprises fewer than two pages, yet succeeds, I believe, in making some astute points.


9/24/2008· Animals

Record Keeping

By: Steven D. Nicely

This statement does not favor drug interdiction it favors the drug smuggler. When the court does not take a team's past into account and rule on the probability of finding drugs before the physical search begins they are allowing dogs that should not be on the street to remain on the street


10/20/2014· Banking

Recruiting New Bank Directors - Is Your House In Order?

By: Catherine Ghiglieri

Many banks need to add new board members because some are reaching a mandatory retirement age or because others who agreed to stay through the financial crisis now want to rotate off the board. Banks need to keep in mind that they will be under close scrutiny by any prospective candidate who will be conducting due diligence on the bank at the same time the bank is conducting due diligence on the candidate. In order to ensure your bank can attract top candidates for board positions, consider the following before beginning the recruiting process:


9/4/2018· Design

Redesigning the Design Industry; "The Next-Generation Consultancy"

By: Rob Wallace

Those of us who run design consultancies embrace change. In fact, we are often our client's primary "change agents". We foresee the emerging need in the ever-evolving market, and mold our clients' brands and experiences to meet that new need.

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