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10/26/2016· Construction

Independent Safety Professionals, Or "It's All Good, I Can Handle It!"

By: Greg Gerganoff

During a recent conversation with a friend who had purchased a small construction company he mentioned in passing that one of his employees had injured his ankle on the job but didn't report it to his work comp carrier as it was a minor incident, no days off work, didn't want his rates to go up, why bother. All is good. Right?


7/14/2009· Human Factors

Industry Standards

By: Kristopher J. Seluga, PE

A standard can be defined as a document issued by a recognized agency, and dealing with design and/or safety requirements relating to a specific product or type of activity. Such agencies include the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (051-IA) and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). OSHA standards are generally legally binding for an employer, while ANSI standards are generally of an advisory nature. The term "industry standard," however, is ordinarily taken to have a broader meaning, including formal standards as just defined, and also including designs and procedures not required in formal standards, though prevailing in a specific industry, and which represent generally accepted custom and practice.


10/31/2013· Economics

Inflation and the Middle Class - 2011 Onwards

By: Dr. Kenneth E. Lehrer

A person does not have to be too old to truly remember the times (mid 1960's and early 1970's) when gas stations gave away trinkets, toys, glasses, tableware and even "Green Stamps" that could be redeemed for valuable "merchandise" when you purchased a few extra gallons of gasoline. How eager the major gasoline companies were to stimulate sales, create demand and obtain their growing share of middle class consumer dollars.


8/18/2011· Computers

Information Technology: Government Could Save £8bn By Choosing Second-User Hardware

By: Dr. Stephen Castell

The new government has announced the areas that it has identified for dramatic cuts in public spending. One of the most effective reductions should be derived through more professional, better-managed government IT spending.


10/14/2014· Medical - Medicine

Injectable Wisdom: Technique, Not Necessarily Product Variety, Key to Outcome Success

By: Dr. Warren Seiler

"For the physician to grow a cosmetic injectable practice, both a variety of products as well as a mastery of technique are key ingredients in the recipe for success. If one had to choose between variety and technique, I believe that it is the technique that will ultimately provide desired results and thus create many happy return visits from patients. Repeat business is the goal.


4/3/2021· Recreation & Sports

Injury Prevention: Amusement Course Safety

By: Dr. Laura Miele

An indoor trampoline park contains wall-to-wall trampolines, bordered either by angled trampoline walls or padding. Recently these parks have added features such as ninja courses, hanging nets, trapeze, wipe out, spider walls, foam obstacles and towers, to name few. All of these features require risk analysis to assist in keeping the public safe.


5/18/2011· Psychology

Insight On Federal Policy: Independent Educational Evaluations

By: Steven Imber

A parent has the right to an independent educational evaluation at the public expense if the parent disagrees with an evaluation obtained by the public agency.


2/10/2016· Insurance

Insurance Issues For Business Owners

By: Darryl Horowitt

In a previous issue of Legal Brief, I discussed protecting yourself with adequate auto insurance. This is, perhaps, the insurance that is most commonly bought, because every driver is required to be covered by automobile liability insurance. But what about business owners? Should they buy insurance as well?


8/6/2013· Medical - Medicine

Intact Performance of a Cochlear Implant Following Radiotherapy in a Child With Acute LymphobLastic Leukemia

By: Michael Gossman

Cochlear implants, via direct electrical stimulation of the auditory nerve, allow the restoration of hearing and speech recognition in both adults and children having sensorineural deafness. These devices typically contain both extemal components (speech processor, microphone, transmitter) and intemal components (including the cochlear stimulator and electrode array), which are surgically placed under the skin behind the ear and in the cochlea.


3/26/2014· Marine - Maritime

Integrated Navigation System: Not a Sum of Its Parts

By: Capt. Joseph F. Ryan

Similar to the evolutionary process for living organisms, marine navigation systems are becoming increasingly complex and sophisticated. Both by design and function, shipboard and shore-based navigation systems are no longer individual equipment components operating independently. Instead, the trend is toward integration, data fusion and synergy. One example of this are new Performance Standards being considered by IMO to achieve a "harmonized" presentation of all navigation-related information on the display of an integrated navigation system (INS).

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