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10/9/2012· Chemical Industry

Intelligent Delivery Systems for Enhancing the Performance of Active Ingredients in Skin Care Formulations

By: Meyer Rosen

The skin is a miraculous organ and the cosmetic & personal care industry continues to make improvements on how to maintain the health and beauty of this organ, the largest in the body. Much of the radiant youthful glow on the skin is often achieved through the delivery of advanced, active skin care products.


3/17/2010· Appraisal & Valuation

Introduction To Business Valuation Concepts For Attorneys

By: Thomas Kalajian, BS, CRTP, AVA, ABAR

This article is intended to provide a conceptual introduction of business valuation for attorneys who seek a confirmation of the fundamentals, disabuse from common misleading notions, or practical tips to assess the quality of valuation reports encountered in their practices. Business valuation is a broad and technically challenging discipline.


3/20/2024· Speech-Language Pathology

Intubation And Aspiration

By: Megan M. Hamilton, MS, CCC-SLP

Food material found in the airway or trachea in an autopsy gives the impression the patient choked to death and suggests liability on the providers’ part. That may be the case, some deaths simply are by choking and secondary to failure on the part of a caregiver to follow diet orders, feeding tactics, postural recommendations, compensatory strategies and/or other safe swallow recommendations.


11/19/2012· Damages

Investigating Equipment Damage Claims in Latin America

By: Envista Forensics - John Hicks

A water pipe breaks in a healthcare provider's facility, saturating an MRI control cabinet. The manufacturer is called in and spends $200,000 on attempted repairs. The unit still doesn't work. The manufacturer says the entire unit needs to be replaced, at a cost of $240,000.


2/18/2016· Documentation Examination & Analysis

Is Document Examination a Science?

By: Kathy Carlson

Forensic Scientists differ when defining document examination. Is it a science? If so, which science? What is our scientific analysis? Or, as some people believe, is document examination an art?


12/8/2020· Supply Chain Management

Is It A Supply Chain Issue Or Poor Project Management?

By: Rosemary Coates

But procurement by thousands of individual hospitals and multiple governmental agencies is uneven and inefficient and we end up with variable pricing, too much inventory in some places, and not enough in others. These may look like supply chain issues on the surface, but they are actually project management issues.


11/30/2005· Marketing

Is Your Website Helping Prospects Move Forward?

By: M.H. McIntosh

Your website is often the first place somebody looks to learn more about your company and its products or services. Is your site helping prospects move forward in their consideration and buying process? Here’s a checklist of questions to ask yourself


6/23/2011· Computers

IT Disaster? What IT Disaster? And What D'You Mean "We're Not Insured For It"!?

By: Dr. Stephen Castell

You are an established, reputable, medium-sized corporation. A year ago your board decided to upgrade your existing computer systems by buying a 'unified package', 'lightly-customised', from a 'solution provider'.


10/7/2009· Computers

IT Expert and Counsel in Computer Software Disputes - Professionals in Harmony

By: Dr. Stephen Castell

The Negotiation Competition, now in its fifth year, is a contest open to all law students in England and Wales, designed to promote the skill of negotiation, a crucial component of ADR


11/27/2008· Healthcare

It Started With Joe

By: Carol Bradley

It started with Joe. My elderly neighbor had lost his wife and his only child lived in New Jersey. He was totally deaf. How could I not help? My children were then young, and we adopted Joe. How could I have known he would become my charge for over five years

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Randy Phares

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Dr. Box Consulting, Inc.

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Interactive Consulting, Inc.

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