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5/15/2013· Electrical - Electrocution

Identifying the Source of a Power Surge

By: Envista Forensics

Is it possible to differentiate between lightning related surges and artificially generated electrical surges?


12/30/2004· Finance

If You Are Searching For Answers

By: Andrea Joyce Wagner, Coletta L. Dorado

AS AN INVESTOR, you too may have experienced that uncomfortable feeling of not knowing how to read your monthly statement showing activity and positions or other documents sent to you by your brokerage firm


10/24/2013· Digital Forensics

Imaging Forensics: Countering Bad Science

By: George Reis

When attorneys get a copy of opposing counsel's expert reports, sometimes they are quite surprised by what they read - it's just bad science. And, in these cases they will then retain their own expert to counter, and possibly quash, the other experts opinion. I've been retained in numerous cases to do this, and I'll discuss four to illustrate the benefit this has, and to help illustrate the kind of work that I do.


9/14/2011· Digital Forensics

Imaging Forensics: In Photography and Video - We Want the Original Images

By: George Reis

It always surprises me how often retaining attorneys send me digital copies of scanned color laser prints of photos in PDF format, or transcoded video files to do an analysis.


7/22/2011· Forensics

Imaging Forensics: Is Your Expert An Expert?

By: George Reis

On a recent case opposing counsel hired a forensic photographer. The case involved an accident at night in which visibility was a key factor.


11/8/2011· Digital Forensics

Imaging Forensics: So, What's the Story on Resolution?

By: George Reis

My post on Synchronizing Video has generated a few comments related to image resolution. Three people, all of whom have a significant background in forensic imaging, have made rather divergent comments. Multiple topics are being addressed, from crime scene, accident and evidence photography to latent print photography to SWGFAST guidelines/requirements to the resolution of video security camera systems.


3/21/2012· Forensics

Imaging Forensics: When to hire an expert

By: George Reis

I was recently retained on a civil case just a month before the trial date. When called about the case, I was told that the firm never thought of hiring a forensic photographer until one showed up in opposing counsel’s expert list. In this case, I needed to photograph the scene of an accident to depict what could be seen from a specific perspective, at a specific time of day, under specific lighting conditions.


4/6/2009· Injury

Imaging of Sports Injuries of the Ankle and Foot

By: Douglas K. Smith, MD

The foot and ankle are frequently injured during sporting events and may produce considerable disability in many athletes. Injuries of the foot and ankle may be acute or chronic problems. Cass and Morrey1 reported that acute foot and ankle injuries accounted for 10% of emergency room visits


7/4/2002· Aquatics Safety

Immersion Into Cold Water

By: Dr. Alan Steinman

Immersion in cold water is a hazard for anyone who participates in recreational, commercial or military activities in the oceans, lakes, and streams of all but the tropical regions of the world. Recreational aquatic activities include swimming, fishing, sailing, power-boating, ocean kayaking, white-water rafting, canoeing, ocean-surfing, wind-surfing, water-skiing, diving, hunting and the use of personal water craft


9/26/2012· Medical - Medicine

Impeaching the Spine Injury Medical Expert

By: Dr. Ernest Chiodo

It is a common error that an attorney retains the wrong type of expert to testify in a lawsuit. This error is particularly common when the expert is a medical specialist. It is widely believed that a medical doctor who specializes in a particular organ system is qualified to formulate opinions and testify as to all issues concerning that organ system.

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