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12/23/2020· Blockchain Information

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Tracing Disputes: Digital Forensics Evidential Standards

By: Dr. Stephen Castell

In a recent trial, in which I acted as an expert witness, some notable differences appeared to me to emerge, as between UK and USA judicial standards and practices, in regard to the role, obligations, testimony, presentation and rigor of digital forensics expert findings. 


3/3/2020· Blockchain Information

Blockchain vs. Trust: The Fundamental Expert Dilemma

By: Dr. Stephen Castell

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) includes in its provisions Article 17, the Right to be Forgotten, which could potentially be a formidable barrier to the ubiquitous introduction of cryptographic blockchain software and technology.


6/28/2018· Computers

Blockchain vs. Trust : Cryptic Expert Issues

By: Dr. Stephen Castell

The Reg A Conference is the largest gathering of deal-makers and investors interested in Regulation A, a prime opportunity for companies to network with like-minded business executives, as well as financial professionals who assist in bringing capital to companies ( Many such companies are today basing their new business ventures and projects, and their search and submissions for funding, on blockchain technology applications. So-called cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin are just one example of the use of this functionality. The business implications of this secure online record-keeping tech are huge – and not only in cryptocurrency. This presentation provides a probing and extensive expert critique of blockchain, its cryptocurrency, distributed ledger and smart contract applications, and argues for a cautionary, savvy approach to implementing and investing in such business systems, on grounds of professional due diligence, rigorous corporate governance and wide experience of past leading-edge ICT systems failures.


8/18/2011· Computers

Information Technology: Government Could Save £8bn By Choosing Second-User Hardware

By: Dr. Stephen Castell

The new government has announced the areas that it has identified for dramatic cuts in public spending. One of the most effective reductions should be derived through more professional, better-managed government IT spending.


6/23/2011· Computers

IT Disaster? What IT Disaster? And What D'You Mean "We're Not Insured For It"!?

By: Dr. Stephen Castell

You are an established, reputable, medium-sized corporation. A year ago your board decided to upgrade your existing computer systems by buying a 'unified package', 'lightly-customised', from a 'solution provider'.


10/9/2009· Computers

The Role of the IT Expert Witness in Software and Systems Development/Implementation Contract Disputes and Litigation

By: Dr. Stephen Castell

Synopsis of a Talk given to the Association of Independent Computer Specialists


10/8/2009· Computers

The Benefits of ODR in Complex Software Contract Disputes

By: Dr. Stephen Castell

Software implementation contracts are frequently terminated with the software rejected amidst allegations from both supplier and customer, e.g. software/database errors/deficiencies, faulty design, shifting user/business requirements. An important technical issue on which the IT Expert appointed in such disputes is asked to give an expert opinion is: what was the quality of the delivered software and was it fit for purpose?


10/7/2009· Computers

IT Expert and Counsel in Computer Software Disputes - Professionals in Harmony

By: Dr. Stephen Castell

The Negotiation Competition, now in its fifth year, is a contest open to all law students in England and Wales, designed to promote the skill of negotiation, a crucial component of ADR


8/4/2004· Computer Forensics

Drilling-Down To The Truth From Computer Evidence

By: Dr. Stephen Castell

Disputes over failed software construction projects raise interlinked technical and legal issues which are complex, costly, and time-consuming to unravel – whatever the financial size of the claims and counterclaims, the facts and circumstances of the contract between the parties, or the conduct of the software development


8/4/2004· Computers

Recognizing Early The Signature Of Dispro - The IT Disaster Project

By: Dr. Stephen Castell

I spent much of a whole year recently investigating why a major IT outsourcing deal broke down, and had given rise to the largest software contract dispute yet seen in the English High Court

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