Blockchain vs. Trust : Cryptic Expert Issues
Dr. Stephen Castell
The Reg A Conference is the largest gathering of deal-makers and investors interested in Regulation A, a prime opportunity for companies to network with like-minded business executives, as well as financial professionals who assist in bringing capital to companies (https://theregaconference.com/presenting-companies/). Many such companies are today basing their new business ventures and projects, and their search and submissions for funding, on blockchain technology applications. So-called cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin are just one example of the use of this functionality. The business implications of this secure online record-keeping tech are huge – and not only in cryptocurrency. This presentation provides a probing and extensive expert critique of blockchain, its cryptocurrency, distributed ledger and smart contract applications, and argues for a cautionary, savvy approach to implementing and investing in such business systems, on grounds of professional due diligence, rigorous corporate governance and wide experience of past leading-edge ICT systems failures.