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2/6/2013· Laws & Procedures

Judicial Notice, A Misunderstood Tool

By: Antonio R. Sarabia II

Litigators often reach for doctrines such as res judicata or collateral estoppel to narrow the scope of a case. Res judicata prevents re-litigation of the same claim that was litigated in a prior case. Collateral estoppel prevents re-litigation of the same issue that was decided in a prior case.


7/13/2015· Aquatics Safety

Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Go Into The Water

By: Trevor Sherwood

Is your pool putting your patrons in harm way? When getting your pool ready for the upcoming summer season, you need to make sure your pool meets state requirements for safety and operation. Since New Jersey has one of the thorough bathing codes in the nation and outbreaks of recreational water illnesses are occurring every year, everyone needs to be sure that their pool is up to code for a safe swimming season.


9/26/2016· Environment

Just Who Is At Risk? The Ethics of Environmental Regulation

By: Dr. Ted Simon

The willingness to view risk as part of daily life has vanished. A risk-averse mindset among environmental regulators engenders confusion between the ethics of intention and the ethics of consequence, leading to the elevation of the precautionary principle with unintended and often unfortunate outcomes. Environmental risk assessment is conservative, but the actual level of conservatism cannot be determined. High-end exposure assumptions and current toxicity criteria from the USEPA, based on linear extrapolation for carcinogens and default uncertainty factors for systemic toxicants, obscure the degree of conservatism in risk assessments. Ideally, one could choose a percentile of the target population to include within environmental standards, but this choice is complicated by the food, pharmaceutical and advertising industries, whose activities, inadvertent or not, often promote maladaptive and unhealthy lifestyle choices.


7/17/2015· Education & Schools

Kids In The Creek: Using STEM & Green Strategies to Transform Urban Schools

By: Dr. Virginia Rhodes

What does it take to improve science performance in an inner-city high school? Could a science "immersion" strategy change motivation and interest in science? How can we meet a key strategic goal of our urban district: "All students graduate and are prepared for postsecondary education, successful careers and productive citizenship."


7/28/2021· Recreation & Sports

Knee Injury Prevention Attitudes And Practices Among High School Coaches

By: Dr. Laura Miele

Injury prevention programs have a positive effect on performance and the reduction of risk in most studies and reviews. However, not all teams and coaches utilize them. In order to better understand this, a 19-item survey was conducted to assess high school coaches’ perceptions, attitudes, and current practices regarding knee injury prevention among adolescent athletes


8/3/2011· Animals

Law Change In California Affects How You Buy And Sell a Horse

By: Bridget Brandon

Open-ended horse deals are quickly coming to an end. Florida has a statute (Section 535.16 of the Florida Statutes) and the California Legislature recently amended a similar one that now requires written documentation for horse sales.


10/30/2006· Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Drugs

Law Enforcement and Society Can Benefit from Greater Transparency in Controlled Drug Analyses

By: Vedoster Ingram, PhM, MS, BS

In this article, concerns are presented from the perspective of a former Drug Enforcement Administration chemist and a practicing forensic chemist consultant about the shortcomings that law enforcement and society now face with the lack of transparency in the government analyses of controlled drugs


8/25/2002· Police Practices & Procedures

Law Enforcement Experts - The Underused Defense Weapon

By: Michael Levine

During my 25-year career in Law Enforcement, working for four Federal law enforcement agencies - IRS Intelligence, BATF, Customs and DEA - I never lost a prosecution case. Here's the "secret" to my success


4/25/2012· Law Enforcement

Law Enforcement: To Chase Or Not To Chase?

By: Dr. Ron Martinelli

An officer detains an active parolee gang member for questioning, and during the detention, the suspect suddenly runs. The officer chases the suspect for two blocks, observes the suspect to be grabbing into his shorts pocket.


12/30/2004· Forgery & Fraud

Law Technology News: Investigating I. P. Theft

By: Dennis P. Farley and Jack Mattera

While most legal professionals think of external hackers when they hear about information theft, that's often not the case. The more common culprit: someone with legitimate access to the information - i.e., insiders

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