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10/31/2011· Engineering

Engineering: Asking For a Raise is Easier Than You Think, Even In Bad Times

By: John Hoschette

Do you feel underpaid and deserving of a higher salary? Are you thinking about asking for a raise, but unsure how to go about it? Do you cringe at the thought of approaching your boss?


3/12/2002· Public Speaking

Speak And Grow Rich

By: Dottie Walters

Do you have an area of special expertise? How would you like to make big money talking about it?... Lots of money? Professional speakers can earn over $800,000 per year! In this exciting book which is considered the "Bible of the Professional Speaking Industry", world class speaker, Dottie Walters will give you money-making information on

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Explosion Investigation and Analysis:...

by Patrick M. Kennedy, John Kennedy

Probability and Statistics for...

by Anthony Hayter, PhD broker Movie Ad

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