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8/13/2018· Branding - Brand Management

Three Critical Steps to Creating and Protecting Your Trademark

By: Rob Wallace

Trademarks are everywhere. They're embodied in logos and symbols (Nike's Swoosh), color schemes (John Deere's green and yellow), numbers (501 jeans), slogans ("Eat Fresh"), and even shapes (Method's product packaging). They're memorable. They distinguish products and services of one provider from those of another, ensuring that customers do not confuse their source. In fact, avoiding consumer confusion is trademark law's primary goal.


11/8/2018· Finance

Respect Your Survivors By Creating a Will

By: Marguerita Cheng

Iconic singer Aretha Franklin had it all: respect, talent, fame and fortune, but what she didn't have was a prepared estate. Reports indicate that the Queen of Soul didn't have a will or trust set up before her death from cancer in August. Now her fortune might be in limbo for her survivors.


9/6/2023· Telecommunication

Grace And Peril In Artificial Intelligence (AI)

By: Keith Mallinson

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly taking hold in many places to provide enormous benefits with improved utility and efficiency in various cellular capabilities. It is significantly affecting how networks are designed and operated. But some applications of AI are much more straightforward and less controversial than others.


10/12/2009· Psychology

Psychologically Speaking©: Negotiation 101

By: Kenneth J. Manges, PhD, ABVE, CVE, CFP

Advice about negotiation often focuses on procedure, strategy, and tactics. However, some of the most important factors in dispute resolution are the subliminal aspects of the interaction that operate outside the awareness of the participants, which may create unnecessary barriers to the effective resolution in dispute.


3/3/2020· Blockchain Information

Blockchain vs. Trust: The Fundamental Expert Dilemma

By: Dr. Stephen Castell

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) includes in its provisions Article 17, the Right to be Forgotten, which could potentially be a formidable barrier to the ubiquitous introduction of cryptographic blockchain software and technology.


5/24/2018· Telecommunication

Analyst Angle: Complementary Spectrum Allocations and Technologies Maximize Coverage and Capacity for All

By: Keith Mallinson

Radio spectrum is the lifeblood of wireless networks. Traditional methods of doling out spectrum have somewhat hindered rather than helped maximize the availability of affordable Internet access, even if this was not the case with voice and text. Instead of seeking to aggrandize auction proceeds by creating scarcity, more flexible allocations including shared as well as traditional licensed and unlicensed assignments are required.


6/25/2018· Medical - Medicine

Choosing an Orthopedic Surgeon

By: Dr. C. Thomas Vangsness Jr

When joint problems escalate to the point of needing special treatment, it is time to research orthopedic surgeons. As you consider your treatment options, it is important to choose an orthopedic surgeon who can accurately meet your needs. To ensure that you make the best choice, identify your needs, do your research, and ask the right questions.


2/13/2019· Transportation

The Folly of Fake Facts - Part. 2

By: Ned Einstein

In Part One of this short series, we explored the rudiments of reaction time and braking distance. The arithmetic for understanding both concepts was learned in the third grade (multiplication), fourth grade (long division), seventh grade (fractions) and eleventh grade (drivers' education).


9/28/2018· Transportation

Safety Compromises, Part 10: Passenger Assistance -- Standards, Practices and Disincentives

By: Ned Einstein

An industry outsider (say, a juror) might consider the variation in passenger assistance within the public transportation industry alarming. Exploring a single theme like boarding and alighting illustrates the extremes


12/14/2018· Accident Prevention & Safety

Permit-Required Confined Spaces – What You Need to Know to Safely Enter (and Exit!)

By: Jennifer Morningstar

According to the OSHA regulations, a confined space is anyplace that meets the following criteria: (1) Is large enough and so configured that an employee can bodily enter and perform assigned work; and (2) Has limited or restricted means for entry or exit; and (3) Is not designed for continuous employee occupancy.

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Dr. Jeffrey Alan Sugar, MD

Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at USC

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