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3/15/2013· Damages

Proving Damages in Trademark Cases

By: Dr. Stanley Stephenson

Proving damages in trademark litigation-typically lost profits or disgorgement of the defendant's profits-generally involves citing the infringer's sales of the infringing product.


7/30/2018· Intellectual Property

Independent Judiciary Requires Reliability and Factual Credibility in Economic Analysis

By: Keith Mallinson

In a major ruling that underscores judicial independence, federal judge Richard J. Leon has just unconditionally approved the merger between AT&T and Time Warner, rebuffing the US government's effort to stop the $85.4 billion deal.


5/7/2019· Telecommunication

Rumplestiltskin, LLP: Volume I - The Dark Side of Fax

By: Ray Horak

In an effort to address a growing number of telephone marketing calls and certain other telemarketing practices thought to be invasions of privacy, Congress enacted the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 (TCPA), codified at 47 U.S.C. § 227.


12/28/2017· Economics

Assessing Economic Damages in Wrongful Termination Cases

By: Stanley P. Stephenson

This paper presents a method for measuring economic damages in wrongful termination cases. Such cases present the damages expert with a problem since the available studies of earnings recovery after a job loss are based on a limited time period after a job loss and many workers never catch-up to the previous earnings level. A two-step approach is offered. First, the expert uses appropriate available empirical evidence to develop a typical earnings catch-up period. Second, the expert gathers information about case factors affecting the duration of the period to earnings catch-up. Using these factors, the expert modifies the base time period to develop a reasonable range of years for earnings catch-up. The ultimate choice of lost earnings is left for the court to decide, given the range presented by the expert. Cases directly or indirectly supporting this method are presented.


10/8/2018· Chemical Industry

How a Central Indian Town Changed the United States Code of Federal Regulations

By: Jennifer Morningstar

On December 3, 1984, at a pesticide ingredient manufacturing facility owned by Union Carbide, a leak occurred in the Methyl Isocyanate (MIC) plant. Due to the toxic nature of the gases released and the plant's proximity to local residences, the death toll was in the thousands; both plant workers and nearby residents. The first recorded public meeting in response to this incident was on December 9th, in Institute, WV, the site of Union Carbide's only US MIC production unit. Full disclosure: my father was a research & development chemist for Union Carbide and Institute is about 10 miles down the Kanawha River from my hometown of Charleston, WV.


7/22/2011· Forensics

Imaging Forensics: Is Your Expert An Expert?

By: George Reis

On a recent case opposing counsel hired a forensic photographer. The case involved an accident at night in which visibility was a key factor.


7/23/2019· Medical - Medicine

Myasthenia Gravis Disorder: Diagnosis, Crisis, and Treatment 0verview

By: Dr. Sajid Khan

Myasthenic crisis is a rapidly progressive and potentially fatal condition. Early consideration and bedside confirmatory tests are essential. Have a low threshold to establish a definitive airway using higher than typical doses of paralytic medications. Involve the consultant early and be extra vigilant when caring for anyone with a history of myasthenia gravis


3/31/2020· Nonprofit Organizations

Small Nonprofits During Coronavirus (COVID-19): A Four Step Guide To Making The Right Decisions

By: Jess Birken, Esq

As schools are called off for the rest of the year, toilet paper flies off the shelves, and shelter-in-place orders are announced, anxieties are high. Everyone is worried about money, jobs, health, how to stay sane in the coming weeks – or at least I'm pretty sure it's not just me! And then there's another layer of worry – the worry that comes with running a small nonprofit in the midst of an international crisis.


11/2/2018· Accident Prevention & Safety

Hydrogen Sulfide Awareness: Avoiding the Ostrich Zone

By: Greg Gerganoff

Hazard recognition plays a vital role in keeping employees safe. Some hazards are easily recognized, for example an employee climbing up a 20-ft ladder while holding tools in both hands is an obvious fall hazard. While some safety hazards are immediately recognizable, others require training to spot and avoid. One such hazard is hydrogen sulfide (H2S). Training is a key method to avoid the "ostrich zone." You do not want to bury your head when facing this hazard.


1/11/2016· Obstetrics - Gynecology (OBGYN)

Adjuvant Therapy of Uterine Clear Cell Carcinoma: A Review

By: Dr. Rabbie Hanna

Purpose Uterine clear-cell carcinoma (UCCC) is a rare subset of type II endometrial carcinoma with a poor prognosis relative to the most common type of endometrioid carcinoma. Due to its rarity, there has been limited direct evidence of the efficacy of specific adjuvant therapy posthysterectomy in women with UCCC. We present a review of current literature regarding adjuvant therapy of uterine clear cell carcinoma.

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