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5/14/2009· Accident Investigation & Reconstruction

The Frye Standard: Determining the Admissibility of Event Data Recorders for Traffic Accident Reconstruction in Illinois

By: Shawn Gyorke

While the information recorded on event data recorders (EDRs), commonly referred to as vehicle black boxes, is tremendously helpful in determining how a traffic accident occurred and in improving safety, it was not until recently that EDR data was legally challenged in Illinois and ultimately accepted


11/19/2011· Psychiatry

The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child: The Cornerstone Treatment of a Preschool Boy from an Extremely Impoverished Environment

By: Dr. Gilbert Kliman

Monroe was the kind of child from whom usually little is expected therapeutically. A member of a disadvantaged ethnic minority, he lived in the poverty of a big-city slum ghetto...


6/12/2015· Transportation

Buses and Motorcoaches: Safety v. Liability

By: Ned Einstein

No, this is not the name of a case. It refers to a dangerous conflict coursing through the bus and motorcoach industries - a conflict that we cannot afford to let exist.


9/19/2022· Psychiatry

An Empirical Examination Of The Concept of "Stress-Induced" Personality Disorders

By: Dr. James Reich

This article examines the problem of stress-induced personality disorders empirically. Three different groups—state personality disorder, stress-induced personality disorder, and no personality disorder—are compared on clinical symptoms, functioning, and family history.


7/14/2009· Human Factors

Industry Standards

By: Kristopher J. Seluga, PE

A standard can be defined as a document issued by a recognized agency, and dealing with design and/or safety requirements relating to a specific product or type of activity. Such agencies include the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (051-IA) and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). OSHA standards are generally legally binding for an employer, while ANSI standards are generally of an advisory nature. The term "industry standard," however, is ordinarily taken to have a broader meaning, including formal standards as just defined, and also including designs and procedures not required in formal standards, though prevailing in a specific industry, and which represent generally accepted custom and practice.


7/5/2021· Construction

Implementing Time Impact Analysis On Large, Complex EPC Projects

By: Long International

Changes can occur on almost every project and they often lead to delays and other negative impacts to the schedule and cost of a project. Large and complex engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) projects are particularly susceptible to the negative impacts caused by changes. Changes can cause delay and disruption to engineering, procurement, fabrication, transportation and delivery


9/27/2017· Land Mapping - Surveying - Zoning

The Professional Land Surveyor – An Essential Part of the Team

By: Frank S. Ferrantello

Now more than ever, it’s important for a land surveyor and lawyer to work as a team. The services of an experienced land surveyor can prevent future expenses or even the undertaking of defending a lawsuit.


1/23/2018· Legal Issues

Commonly Asked Questions Regarding Collections

By: Darryl Horowitt

Other than dealing with the Government, perhaps the most frustrating aspect of running a business is the collection of unpaid debts from your customers. Every business at one time or another will be faced with the situation where goods and/or services have been provided, no complaints have been received, yet your customer refuses to pay. This monograph will serve to answer a few questions you may have regarding collections as they arise in the commercial setting.


7/31/2009· Accident Investigation & Reconstruction

Forensic Engineering Experts: Vehicle Rollover

By: Kristopher J. Seluga, PE

In many vehicle rollover investigations, it is necessary to know not only the speeds and motions of the vehicles involved, but the causes of injuries suffered by their occupants as well. Such investigations seek to answer questions regarding occupant ejection, effects of seatbelt use, roof crush and body-interior impacts.


10/1/2012· Aquatics Safety

Prevention and Management of Torso Reflex

By: Gerald Dworkin

Torso Reflex, also known as Gasp Reflex , Inhalation Response, or Cold Water Shock, is caused by sudden immersion into water colder than 70 degrees F. Sudden immersion into cold water triggers an involuntary reflexive torso gasp that can cause the person to aspirate water into his/her airway and lungs, which can lead to laryngospasm, disorientation, panic, and the loss of any physical ability to swim or remain afloat.

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George Schiro, MS

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