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9/13/2019· Medical - Medicine

Vertebral and Carotid Artery Dissections

By: Dr. Sajid Khan

Cervical arterial dissections most commonly occur in the carotid arteries, followed by the vertebral arteries. Vertebral artery dissection (VAD) often presents after a trivial injury such as hyperextension of the neck while at the salon...


7/21/2009· Accident Investigation & Reconstruction

Forensic Engineering Experts: Pedestrians & Bicycles

By: Kristopher J. Seluga, PE

Pedestrian and bicycle accidents in the United States result in approximately 80,000 and 50,000 injuries each year, respectively. Though pedestrians and bicycles move differently, they share important characteristics as both have little protection during a roadway collision with a motor vehicle.


2/18/2010· Warnings & Labels

Do We Need To Warn Parents About The Dangers Of Playing Football?

By: Dr. Gerald Goldhaber

The Goldhaber Warnings Report:...Unlike its previous hearingswhich addressed the NFL’s lack of adequate protection against brain injuries, the Houston hearing focused on risks faced by younger football players. Several million high school and college students play football...


10/8/2009· Computers

The Benefits of ODR in Complex Software Contract Disputes

By: Dr. Stephen Castell

Software implementation contracts are frequently terminated with the software rejected amidst allegations from both supplier and customer, e.g. software/database errors/deficiencies, faulty design, shifting user/business requirements. An important technical issue on which the IT Expert appointed in such disputes is asked to give an expert opinion is: what was the quality of the delivered software and was it fit for purpose?


7/18/2021· Transportation

Defending Public Transportation Contractors: The History Of Contracting And Brokerage

By: Ned Einstein

In many cases, the negligence of lead agencies and brokers are the principal proximate causes of an incident; in some cases, it comprises the sole proximate causes. For this reason, understanding the dynamics among these three entities – private operating companies, lead agencies and brokers - is the key to


7/31/2009· Accident Investigation & Reconstruction

Forensic Engineering Experts: Human Factors

By: Kristopher J. Seluga, PE

Human Factors and Ergonomics (HFE) is a branch of science, which is concerned with man’s interaction with his universe. Thus, it is not simply the study of pure science (e.g. sound or light), but rather man’s understanding and reactions (e.g. to hear and see).


7/20/2011· Security

Fast Food, Easy Money:Find Out How Sites Hit By Smash and Grab Burglaries Could Have Reduced Their Vulnerability

By: Randall Atlas, PhD, AIA, CPP

BETWEEN LATE 2009 AND MARCH OF THIS YEAR, a national baked goods chain with franchises in Broward County, Florida, experienced a series of nighttime burglaries that resulted in thousands of dollars in stolen cash and damaged property.


8/10/2012· Child Witch Phenomenon

Report on Accusations of Witchcraft Against Children in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

By: Gary Foxcroft

This report has been prepared by the UK-based charity, Stepping Stones Nigeria in collaboration with those of our Nigerian partner organisations who specifically work on the issue of witchcraft accusations against children: Child Rights and Rehabilitation Network (CRARN), Stepping Stones Nigeria Child Empowerment Foundation (SSNCEF) and Centre for Environment, Human Rights and Development (CEHRD).


11/25/2009· Accounting

The Bias in Annual (Versus Monthly) Discounting is Immaterial

By: Jay Abrams, ASA, CPA, MBA

This article presents a discussion of the validity of using the mid-year convention from a different point of view than the March 2002 BVR article by Michael Dobner.


10/17/2017· Expert Witnessing

Do Your Expert Witness Reports and Testimony Comply with 2015 Amendments to CRCP (Colorado Code of Civil Procedure)?

By: Greg Gerganoff

The employ of expert witnesses in litigation is typically undertaken to help the decider of fact (judge or jury) decipher an area of specialized knowledge which is key to the case. The expert report serves the primary purpose of "educating" deciders of fact on topics not commonly known to the general public. However, a noncomplying expert report can wreak havoc on a case, increase costs or worse, have the expert's testimony precluded in whole or part from use at trial. This of course is contrary to the purpose of retaining an expert in the first place. Understanding the parameters of compliance (C.R.C.P. 26 (a) (2) (B) (I)) and how sanctions for non-compliance (C.R.C.P. 37 (c) (1)) may be applied is important not only for legal counsel but the expert as well under the 2015 rule updates and the recent Colorado Supreme Court case, Catholic Health Initiatives Colorado v. Earl Swensson Associates, Inc.

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Jennifer Oldemeyer

Director of Software Expert Witness

Panorama Consulting Group

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