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4/17/2013· Psychiatry

What is Preventive Psychiatry?

By: Dr. Gilbert Kliman

Preventive psychiatry is a branch of preventive or public health medicine. It aims to promote good mental health in individuals and to prevent the occurrence or reduce the incidence of psychiatric disease in a population.


3/8/2012· Psychiatry

Facilitation of Mourning During Childhood

By: Dr. Gilbert Kliman

Here you will meet several children helped by Cornerstone who suffered from tragic losses and tragic circumstances. This chapter is essentially practical in its orientation to technique, describing several forms of treatment of bereaved children, with a minimum of theoretical essay. Probably the best definition of "mourning" for our current purposes is, "the totality of reaction to the loss of a loved object."


11/19/2011· Psychiatry

The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child: The Cornerstone Treatment of a Preschool Boy from an Extremely Impoverished Environment

By: Dr. Gilbert Kliman

Monroe was the kind of child from whom usually little is expected therapeutically. A member of a disadvantaged ethnic minority, he lived in the poverty of a big-city slum ghetto...


9/27/2011· Psychiatry

How Child Psychiatric Testimony Works

By: Dr. Gilbert Kliman

The legal system and juries customarily weigh evidence more regularly than the psychoanalytic profession.

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