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10/24/2011· Human Factors

Sleep, Science, and Policy Change

By: Dennis Wylie

Policies can be very difficult to change, and advocates of change who claim a logical or scientific foundation need valid, reliable, and convincing data. An example of the process is the policy of regulating truck drivers' hours of service in order to reduce motor vehicle crashes.


8/6/2010· Medical Malpractice

Overview: The Process Of A Medical Malpractice Lawsuit

By: Devesh Tiwary, MD, JD, FACS

Each lawsuit is different, and each state has different laws. In general, this is the process in Florida. Your case may proceed differently. We can break it down into 4 stages: investigation, pre-suit, suit, and post-verdict. The process takes months to years. Mediation (meeting with the other side to try to settle) can occur during any of the 3 later stages. It is very important, so we will discuss it here too.


7/24/2012· Child Welfare

Asylum Seeking Children - Including Adolescent Development and The Assessment Of Age

By: Diana Birch, MD

Children suffer the traumas and injustices of warfare and conflict without the ability to influence or control their circumstances. As refugees they become the flotsam of society drifting from one inhospitable country to another in search of safety. They have been with us for generations, their numbers fluctuating and their distribution changing as the adult world decides who to wage war on next.


9/28/2012· Child Welfare

Teenage Belief Systems About Sexual Health

By: Diana Birch, MD

A belief is a conviction adhered to often in the face of factual evidence to the contrary. This paper inevitably represents my beliefs moulded by my experience of working with teenagers in London and tempered by my knowledge of the work of my colleagues.


4/26/2024· Construction

Why Expert Witness Testimony Matters in Commercial Construction Accidents That Occur in Southern California

By: Dick Bridy, PhD

The towering cranes and bustling activity on a commercial construction site can be a marvel of modern engineering. However, beneath the surface lurks a constant threat -the potential for accidents. When these accidents occur, the path to securing fair compensation can be fraught with complexities.


2/16/2009· Automotive - Vehicular

Special: Automotive Industry

By: Dorman Wood

Whether you are a credit professional involved in the U.S. automotive industry or not, you have probably been following the almost daily media reports on the industry


8/7/2006· Business Management

Dealing with Difficult People

By: Dorothy Pederson

The business of service is an interesting one to say the least. The subtle path to success lies in knowing ourselves. You might ask what I mean. What I am saying is that it is only in gaining understanding into our own feelings, reactions, and habits that we master the real art of relationship. It is always all about us


8/7/2006· Business Management

Managing Frontline Employees for Customer Success: A Toolbox of Employee Satisfaction Ideas

By: Dorothy Pederson

For decades there has been a chasm between frontline employees, typically hourly, and management. Frontline employees recognize a problem and feel powerless to "fix it." They blame management and expect them to "fix it!" They perceive that management does not listen to them. They feel discounted. So they rebel


3/12/2002· Public Speaking

Speak And Grow Rich

By: Dottie Walters

Do you have an area of special expertise? How would you like to make big money talking about it?... Lots of money? Professional speakers can earn over $800,000 per year! In this exciting book which is considered the "Bible of the Professional Speaking Industry", world class speaker, Dottie Walters will give you money-making information on


12/9/2015· Intellectual Property

Apportioning Copyright Damages: The Case of 'Blurred Lines'

By: Doug Bania

Most of the existing literature on copyright infringement is concerned with the valuation of intellectual property rather than the apportionment of the value that is directly attributable to the intellectual property asset at issue. Further, few of the currently proposed IP valuation methods and little of the literature addressing the determination of damages appears directly applicable to the case of copyright in the context of artistic productions. Within the creative arts, recorded music offers a particularly complex and interesting case within which to explore this issue, as different portions of the relevant copyright to the recorded song may be held by different persons.

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