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3/20/2017· Damages

Using Internet Analytic Tools for Valuation and Damages Calculations in Internet IP Infringement and Defamation Cases

By: Doug Bania and Brian Buss

Use of the Internet and social media has become an increasingly essential element of conducting business in the United States and globally, which in turn raises new issues for calculating damages and performing valuations. With almost every business now using the Internet and social media to conduct business, cases of Internet IP infringement, IP misuse, and defamation have increased and evolved. Before the rise of these new media, cases of infringement and defamation typically occurred in print or on television and were visually obvious.


4/25/2007· Recreation & Sports

Safety Precautions In The Health / Fitness Setting

By: Douglas Baumgarten, MS

Every club struggles with safety and liability issues. In addition to OSHA, state, and local regulations governing employee safety, clubs must take every reasonable precaution to protect their members from harm – while still offering a satisfying service experience


4/6/2009· Injury

Imaging of Sports Injuries of the Ankle and Foot

By: Douglas K. Smith, MD

The foot and ankle are frequently injured during sporting events and may produce considerable disability in many athletes. Injuries of the foot and ankle may be acute or chronic problems. Cass and Morrey1 reported that acute foot and ankle injuries accounted for 10% of emergency room visits


3/8/2012· Mediation

What's Wrong With America-Ideology and Injustice Collide

By: Douglas Noll

Let's consider what makes this time slightly different than previous times of unrest. The essential facts are that most Americans are suffering through the deepest economic depression since the 1930s. We barely avoided a complete economic collapse and may still see an economic collapse if the euro fails.


11/4/2011· Mediation

Mediation: Lessons Learned in Mediating Peace Between Israel and the Palestinians

By: Douglas Noll

I am reading The Truth About Camp David: The Untold Story about the Collapse of the Middle East Peace Process by Clayton Swisher. This is a modern history of the events in the Clinton administration from 1999 to 2000 concerning US attempts to mediate peace between Israel and Syria and Israel and the Palestinians.


9/23/2011· Mediation

Mediation: Anger and Fear Affect Our Perceptions and Our Decisions

By: Douglas Noll

We have all experienced levels of anger and levels of fear in mediation, and we have witnessed our clients in fear and in anger.


6/17/2009· Linguistics

Forensic Linguists: When Does a Lawyer Need One?

By: Dr. Alan M. Perlman

When does a lawyer need a linguist? As Roger Shuy, one of the most pre-eminent forensic linguists, has observed, the interpretation and application of the law are overwhelmingly about language


7/4/2002· Aquatics Safety

Immersion Into Cold Water

By: Dr. Alan Steinman

Immersion in cold water is a hazard for anyone who participates in recreational, commercial or military activities in the oceans, lakes, and streams of all but the tropical regions of the world. Recreational aquatic activities include swimming, fishing, sailing, power-boating, ocean kayaking, white-water rafting, canoeing, ocean-surfing, wind-surfing, water-skiing, diving, hunting and the use of personal water craft


4/3/2009· Jails - Prisons - Correctional Facilities

Suicides Within The Juvenile Justice System: The Need for Administrative Oversight

By: Dr. Alvin W. Cohn

Suicides among youths in the United States is a national tragedy. A successful suicide by an adolescent within the juvenile justice system is both preventable and unconscionable and tends to occur as a consequence of poor or inappropriate staffing, inadequate training, and/or the lack of policy and procedure enforcement


7/11/2017· Psychiatry

Civil Litigation and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

By: Dr. Burt Singerman

An ever-increasing number of plaintiffs are claiming post-traumatic stress disorder. Why such a sudden, marked increase in litigation of this form? Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was first described in the sixth century B.C. The symptoms associated with the illness have not changed, though the name of the condition itself has, naturally, changed. In World War I the disorder was labeled "shell shock," linking the condition to the close lines between battling armies and the continuous firing of munitions. In World War II, the condition came to be called "combat neurosis." The term "post-traumatic stress disorder" entered the psychiatric nomenclature with the 1980 publication of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 3rd Edition.

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Tom Jonaitis, B.SC., DABT

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