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8/7/2006· Business Management

Managing Frontline Employees for Customer Success: A Toolbox of Employee Satisfaction Ideas

By: Dorothy Pederson

For decades there has been a chasm between frontline employees, typically hourly, and management. Frontline employees recognize a problem and feel powerless to "fix it." They blame management and expect them to "fix it!" They perceive that management does not listen to them. They feel discounted. So they rebel


8/7/2006· Business Management

Dealing with Difficult People

By: Dorothy Pederson

The business of service is an interesting one to say the least. The subtle path to success lies in knowing ourselves. You might ask what I mean. What I am saying is that it is only in gaining understanding into our own feelings, reactions, and habits that we master the real art of relationship. It is always all about us


12/15/2005· Criminology

Embezzlement: Are you at risk?

By: Barry Strock, et al

There is an unusual rash of embezzlement scandals. Newspapers report that governments and organizations small and large are at considerable risk to white collar crimes. Even regional educational organizations are vulnerable as evidenced by one NY BOCES in which $3 million dollars was supposedly taken to illegally enrich an individual’s pockets


10/15/2004· Crisis Management

Dealers, Healers, Brutes And Saviors: Eight Winning Styles For Solving Giant Business Problems

By: Gerald C. Meyers

Strong, well-organized labor can quickly cripple a miscalculating company.Any company bent on progress with a minimum of labor interference must keep its workforce watered and well-fed, and keep labor relations in apple-pie order


11/15/2002· Professional Skills

Power Up Your Image - Strike A Profile For Profit

By: Sherry Maysonave

Are you earning the income that you desire to earn or believe that you are capable of earning? Do you want to win raises and promotions? If so, it is essential that you pay attention to your workplace image. In today's dressed-down business environment, millions are suffering from the Casual Confusion Syndrome


7/4/2002· Business Management

Implementing Radical Change: The Right Stuff

By: Richard G. Ligus, CMC

Over the years U.S. manufacturing companies lost substantial market share in many industries. Stiff foreign and domestic competition drove executives to seek solutions. MRP had its heyday, then JIT, CIM, TQM, and time-based competition


6/21/2001· Crisis Management

Crisis Management Teams: Who Needs Them?

By: Peter G. Power

Experience has shown that when suddenly faced with a catastrophe, crisis managers have a tendency, from the outset, to try and follow familiar or routine systems. The more disturbing the situation the stronger the urge to take refuge in familiar procedures

Featured resources

Nolo's Deposition Handbook

by Paul Bergman, Albert J. Moore

Oil Spills and Gas Leaks:...

by James A. Jacobs, et al

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